Working with record profiles


Profiles display information for a particular record (HCPClosed Health care provider, including (but not limited to) individuals who are authorized by their governing body to practice medicine and prescribe drugs within the scope of their defined practice., HCOClosed Health care organization. An organization that provides health care services in a systematic way to individuals, families, or communities. or custom object). Depending on your role, you can view, edit, and delete information in the records, as well as view high-level record information, revision history, data lineageClosed A detailed view of the current record, including all sources that contributed to it and survivorship results at the field level., and compliance data.

Summary section

The summary section identifies the record by object type (icon), name, address, primary country, and other information specific to the object type; for example, HCP records contain primary specialty, HCP type, and other details. Hashtags are applied to identify specific information on the record.

The address that displays is the primary address on the record. If a primary address is not defined, the address with an ordinal of 1 displays. If none of the addresses on the record meet either of these criteria, another address on the record is selected to display.

Buttons and links in the summary header enable you to action and customize visibility of the records. Available actions vary based on user role and record type.

The System and Data Admin user role combines the full capabilities of Data Stewards and Administrators.
Activity Standard User Data Steward Data Manager Administrator
View field revisions
Validate records


View associated tasks
Show/hide field ownership, null fields, and sections
Send local record to Veeva OpenData2



Data components3
Show/Hide Notes
Download record from Veeva OpenData4
Manage candidate records5
View multi-country HCP link
View/Edit Profile Layout    
1 Only the number of tasks appears; actual task content does not appear.
2 Available for active profiles that have not been sent to Veeva OpenData. Unavailable if the record contains proprietary data or has pending local tasks. This feature must be enabled by Veeva.
3 View external data related to HCPs, HCOs, and custom objects from Salesforce orgs. Available through user group permissions. The button might have a different name. See Data components.
4 The user's data visibility profile must give them permission to download records.
5 Candidate records must be enabled for the instance and within the user's data visibility profile. Candidates that have been sent to Veeva OpenData cannot be promoted or deleted.

These options enable you to limit the information you see in the profile (for example, to reduce distraction) or to view additional details:

  • Field revisions - displays a list of all of the active and inactive objects, sub-objects or relationship objects on the record. Select an object to display a pop-up to investigate its field revisions from contributing sources. If there is no revision data, the object is dimmed in the list.

  • To quickly view revisions for specific fields, see the Field version history option.

  • Profile Notes - Notes display by default, but users can choose to hide the pane. Users that have access to the record can create notes so other users can see the information.
  • Field help - The pane displays when users click the Info icon beside a field. Only users who have been given access to field help through permission sets, can view the pane.
  • Field version history - The Version History pane displays when users click the Info icon beside a field. The tab identifies the change and the job or data change request that made the change.
  • Associated tasks - provides a count of all pending tasks for the root entity. Hover over the link to see the breakdown of pending DCRs and suspect match tasks. Click the link to view the tasks in more detail.

    The link is text only for Standard users. To give Standard users access to view pending tasks, see Standard user task visibility.

  • Show field ownership - show or hide the field colors that indicate ownership. Fields that appear orange are Veeva-owned, gray (or green for China) fields are local customer-owned, and blue are third-party fields. These colors can help you more easily determine where change requests will be routed. This option toggles the colors on or off, depending on preference.
  • Show empty fields - toggle empty fields on or off. Showing empty fields can help you quickly see what data the record is missing.
  • Expand or collapse page sections - toggle between showing or hiding all sections on the page. Sections can still be collapsed or expanded individually.
  • Multi-country HCP - displays if an HCP has records in more than one European country. Veeva OpenData can link the records so you can easily identify that the records are for the same HCP. A small number of HCPs have records in more than one country. For more information, see Multi-country HCPs.

  • View/Edit Profile Layout - Click to open the profile layout that is being used for the record you are currently viewing. You can view standard layouts or edit custom layouts.

Note: These options and their placement within the summary are dependent on factors such as user role, data visibility profile, record ownership, and more. Use the tables on this page to assist you in determining when these options will appear.

Validating data

If profile validation rules are enabled for your Network instance, they run when Data Steward, Data Manager, or System and Data Admin users Apply their changes to HCP and HCO records. If errors occur, a Validation pane displays below the summary section to explain the data issues.

The Validate button runs profile validation rules so you can check existing data before making changes to an HCP or HCO. The button does not display for Under_Review records or records with the following status: Deleted, Merged_Into, or Invalid.

The Validate button displays even if profile validation rules are not enabled in the Network instance. It does not display if changes have been made to the record profile; validation rules will run when Apply is clicked.

Download records from Veeva OpenData

The Download from OpenData button appears if the HCP or HCO record is available for download from Veeva OpenData and the user's data visibility profile gives them permission to download. If users do not have permission through their data visibility profile, the message Need download permission displays.

When users access a record owned by Veeva OpenData that hasn't been downloaded to their Network instance, only populated fields display.

Send records to Veeva OpenData

Customer Data Steward, Data Manager, and System and Data Admin users can send locally managed active HCP or HCO records to Veeva OpenData as add requests so OpenData takes ownership of the record. This feature reduces stewardship costs for customers and improves data quality.

This action is not available if the record is inactive, contains proprietary data, has pending local tasks, or has already been sent to Veeva OpenData.

For more information about this feature, see Send add requests to Veeva OpenData.

Manage candidate records

Data Steward, Data Manager, and System and Data Admin users can promote or delete candidate records for HCPs and HCOs from the Profile page. Candidate records are not supported for custom objects.

If candidate records are enabled in your Network instance, a Candidate label displays beside the record ownership label in the Summary section for any candidate records. If a data steward or data manager has the Candidate Visibility permission set to True in their data visibility profile, a Resolve button displays at the top of the record. Click Resolve to promote the record to a valid record, or delete the record.

If changes have been made to the record, the Resolve button does not display. When the user clicks Apply to save their changes, a dialog displays with the following options:

  • Apply Changes
  • Apply Changes and Promote Record

Candidate records that have been sent to Veeva OpenData as add requests cannot be actioned in the new profile. The Resolve button is hidden, so data stewards are unable to promote the record to an active record or delete the candidate record.

Preview boxes

Depending on the record and user role, profiles can contain the following preview boxes:

The System and Data Admin user role combines the full capabilities of Data Stewards and Administrators.
Preview Box Standard User Data Steward Data Manager Administrator
Sample Eligibility1
Transparency Reporting1,2
Revision History
Data Sources
Find Suspect Match3



1 For US data only.
2 If enabled for the instance by Veeva.
3 For local records without pending tasks.

Sample Eligibility

The Sample Eligibility preview box enables sales reps to quickly find SLN and DEA license information before visiting an HCO or HCP. The box also identifies if the HCO or HCP has sanctions.

This box can contain the following information:

  • The first active sample eligible SLN license, with a count and link for any additional eligible licenses.
  • A list of states that are eligible to sample.
  • A DEA license check mark to indicate that the HCP can receive controlled substances, if applicable.
  • Any sanctions that exist for the record, if applicable.

A license is sample eligible if

  • Sample Eligibility (rxa_eligible__v) is Eligible (E)
  • License Status (license_status__v) is Active (A)
  • License Type (type__v) is State (STATE)
  • Grace Expiry (grace_period__v) is defined for a future date.

Transparency Reporting

The Transparency Reporting preview box displays any applicable US compliance data for HCOs and HCPs:

  • HCP - NPI, DEA, Massachusetts (MA) CRI, and SLN data (no more than 4 sources)
  • HCO - NPI, DEA and CMS Teaching Hospital data (no more than 3 sources)

Click the link to navigate to the source section on the Compliance Data page.

Note: This box only appears when the primary country for the record is the United States and the US Compliance feature is enabled in your Network instance. It does not appear for Veeva OpenData records that have not yet been downloaded to your Network instance.


The Hierarchy preview box enables you to view and access the relationships in this object's hierarchy. You can access affiliations by:

  • clicking an affiliation to open its summary card, or clicking the name in the card to open its profile in a new browser tab.
  • clicking Open in Network Explorer to view and access the affiliations from the Network Explorer canvas. Right-click the link to open Network Explorer in a new tab.

Revision History

The Revision History preview box helps you determine whether the profile is reliable, up-to-date, and does not have underlying data issues. The four most recent record changes and the record creation date display in the box; you can click each for more details.

The total count of revisions since record creation, if excessive, can indicate underlying data issues or conflicting sources. The name of each source system that contributed to the revision displays.

Click More Details to navigate to the Revision History page, or right-click the link to open it in a new tab.

Data Sources

The Data Source preview box displays the sources that contributed to the record. The box displays up to ten sources.

Click More Details to navigate to the Data Lineage page to review the sources in detail.

Note: This box does not display for Veeva OpenData records that have not yet been downloaded to your Network instance.

Find Suspect Match

Displays on local records for Data Stewards and Data Managers only. Use to find suspect matches for the current record profile.

By default, the text field displays the name and city of the record because these fields are typically used to search for duplicate records.

You can clear the default search terms and type a search term and/or The search results page opens so you can choose the records to complete the suspect match task. If you add the Network entity ID, the Suspect Match page opens.

Hashtags display in the search results to help identify a relevant match. Hashtags do not display on the suspect match page.

For more information about suspect matches, see Merging records manually.

Note: Records that have been sent to Veeva OpenData as add requests cannot be included in a suspect match task.

Read only and Edit mode

When you open a record, it displays in read-only mode.

To put the record in Edit mode, do either of the following actions:

  • Hover over any field value and click the Edit button.

  • Click Edit Profile at the top of the page .

For details, see Editing records.

Field help

Info icons display beside fields on the Profile page. Click the icon to open the Field pane.

Version history

All users can view the Version History for the field. The tab identifies the change and the job or data change request that made the change.

For more information, see Field version history.


Users with access to field help will see the Help pane and can view details about the field for data stewardship. If there is no help for a field, the message "No help defined for this field" displays.

The information displays in the language specified in the user's profile.

Administrators and Data Managers can add an maintain field help. For more information, see Field Helper.

Primary information section

This section contains basic information about an entity.

  • HCP - HCP type, record status, personal details, degrees, specializations, and contact preferences.
  • HCO - HCO type or general specialization, record status, and major class of trade.
  • Custom objects - Object name. Other fields can be added to the custom object's profile layout.

Sub-object sections

Each of the sub-object sections contain summary cards that provide the most relevant information and can be expanded for more details.

Most summary card fields display labels to add context to the data. This applies to most of the default fields as well as any fields that have been defined as a summary field (Is Summary Field) in the profile layout. For more information about Summary fields, see Configuring profile layouts.

Some fields do not display labels because the data is easily identifiable. Default fields that do not display labels on the following summary cards:

  • Address - Formatted address and address verification status.
  • License - License number and expiration date.
  • Parent Affiliations - Corporate name and address.

Adding sub-objects

Sub-objects (Veeva and custom) and custom relationship objects can be added to records. Note that custom relationship objects can be added to the record of the owner objectClosed The main object that owns the relationship between two connected main objects. Relationship records can be created on owner objects only; not the related object. only.

Each section includes a new card link to add a new sub-object; for example, + New Parent Affiliation. The card expands to display available fields. Fields that have default values are populated; for example, Status fields.

If the profile is in read-only mode, clicking the new card puts the profile in edit mode.

Note: The new card links are not available on Veeva OpenData records that have not been downloaded into your Network instance, or if your data visibility profile provides read-only permissions on the profile.

Addresses section

All addresses associated with the entity are listed. A count of the active and inactive addresses displays beside the section header.

If enabled, the Primary icon displays on the summary card followed by a list of business units that are primary for that address. If multiple primaries are listed, a count of the remaining units displays at the end of the list. This applies to Unique Checkbox and Network Calculated primary fields.

Sort order

Primary addresses appear at the top of the list for convenience.

  1. Unique Checkbox primary fields in descending order.

    Inactive primary addresses display in the to alert you to inactive primaries.

  2. Network Calculated primary fields
  3. Status - active addresses display
  4. Highest ordinal (address rank)

Summary cards

Each address associated with the entity has a summary card. Each card can contain up to four badges. If there are three or four badges, they appear in a list on the card.

The summary includes the following information:

Details Badges
Displays when an address is defined as primary for a Unique Checkbox or Network Calculated primary field.
Displays when a DCR has been submitted and is pending review on the address or it is part of a DCR that includes multiple sub-objects.
Displays when the address's record state is Under Review.
Displays when the status of the address (address_status__v) is Inactive (I).

Network address inheritance status - If enabled for your instance, a status badge displays to help you compare addresses by status. You can hover over a badge to view information about the HCO the record is linked to.

The address is copied from a parent address.
The copied address has been changed and is no longer linked to a parent address.
The previously synced address no longer exists.

Click a summary card to expand the address and view more information.

  • Click Address Field Revisions to investigate field-level changes from contributing sources. For more information, see Field level revision history.
  • Click Extended Info to view all of the cleansed address fields that are included in the profile layout. The extended info also includes geocodes (latitude and longitute).

Address map

The map is hidden by default. To display the map, click Show Map. Addresses associated with each record are pinned on the map.

Overlay icons on the pins help users differentiate inactive addresses, addresses that are under review by data stewards, and addresses that have just been updated or added. For example:

The address is inactive.
The address has just been added.
The address has just been updated and is under review.
One address in this cluster of two addresses has just been added, the other address has just been updated.

Inactive addresses appear if you click the Show Inactive Addresses link below the summary cards. This can help users identify duplicate addresses.

Click a pin to open a business card to view its address and the DEA license (if applicable). If multiple licenses are associated with an address, the first license details are followed by a count of additional licenses.

Adding addresses

To add an address, click + New Address. Add values for Address Line 1, City, and any other fields. When you have finished your changes, click Apply in the floating bar at the bottom of your browser window.

Use the Verify button to cleanse the new address. The Not Verified and Overridden address verification statuses are hidden by the Verify button. In the Address Verification pop-up window, apply the changes. A pin for the address displays on the map.

Network address inheritance

You can easily navigate between affiliations and related addresses on a record. On the summary card, the HCO that the address was copied from displays. To navigate to the HCO from the summary card, click the link and the profile page scrolls to that HCO in the Parent Affiliations section.

On an expanded address, the address inheritance status (synced or unsynced) appears next to applicable fields. When you hover the link, information about the parent address appears.

Editing inherited addresses

If you edit an address that has been copied from a parent address, the inheritance status changes; it immediately becomes unsynced.

The following behavior occurs:

  • A warning displays reminding you that you are changing an inherited address.
  • Summary card - The Unsynced badge displays in the summary.
  • Address fields - The Unsynced icon displays the unsync tooltip.
  • You can click the Re-Sync link to copy the address again.

Parent affiliations section

All parent HCOs associated with the entity are listed. A count of the active and inactive affiliations displays beside the section header. Relationships to invalid records do not appear in the list.

If enabled and applicable, a Primary icon displays on the summary card followed by a list of business units that are primary for that affiliation. If multiple primaries are listed, a count of the remaining units displays at the end of the list. This applies to Unique Checkbox and Network Calculated primary fields.

Note: When an HCO or HCP has an affiliation to a record that has been set to invalid, the affiliation does not display on the profile page. This applies to both parent and child affiliations.

Sort order

Primary affiliations display at the top of the list for convenience.

  1. Unique Checkbox primary fields in descending order.

    Inactive primary affiliations display in the list to alert you to inactive primaries.

  2. Status - active affiliations display
  3. Affiliation name in alphabetical order

Summary card

Each affiliation associated with the entity has a summary card.

The summary includes the following information:

Details Badges
  • corporate name
  • address
  • count of inherited addresses from the parent affiliation (if Network address inheritance is enabled in your Network instance)
  • class of work
  • relationship type
  • primary indication for business units

  • Affiliation badge displays below the object icon to identify the relationship owner and the relationship status or state.

Displays when an affiliation is defined as primary
Displays when a DCR has been submitted on the affiliation or it is part of a DCR that includes multiple sub-objects.
Displays when the parent affiliation's record state is Under Review.
Displays when the status of the parent affiliation (parent_hco_status__v) is Inactive (I).

Click a summary card to expand the affiliation and view more information. You can also click the parent HCO name to open it in a new browser tab.

Click Parent Affiliation Field Revisions to quickly investigate field-level changes from contributing sources.

For more information, see Field level revision history.

Show additional OpenData HCOs

OpenData records can contain a link to view affiliations that have not yet been downloaded to your Network instance. You can download the HCOs using the Show additional OpenData HCOs link.

For more information, see Show additional OpenData HCOs.

Adding parent affiliations

To add a parent affiliation, click + New Parent Affiliation. Add values for the Corporate Name and any other fields.

The Corporate Name field displays hashtags to help you identify the relevant HCO.

When you have finished your changes, click Apply in the floating bar at the bottom of your browser window.

On an existing record, the HCO icon for parent affiliation summary cards indicates entity ownership, not sub-object ownership. For example, if you add a locally managed affiliation to Veeva OpenData (orange) record, the HCO icon for the parent affiliation will be orange.

Network address inheritance

The Parent Affiliation summary card displays a count of the inherited addresses from the parent entity. If one address has been copied, clicking the count will navigate to the address and expand it. If more than one address has been copied, click the count to see the list of parent affiliation addresses and navigate to the inherited Address cards on the profile.

Note: Network address inheritance badges and links to HCOs display only when Network address inheritance is enabled and the parent affiliation is local to your customer instance.

Child affiliations section

All child (HCO and HCP) affiliations for HCO records are listed. A count displays beside the section header so you can immediately know the number of affiliations listed. The count includes the total number of affiliations in the section, including inactive affiliations.

  • HealthCare Organizations - Displays active child affiliations by default. Each affiliation includes summary information and alternate key.
  • HealthCare Professionals - Contains links that opens a search page containing active or inactive child HCP affiliations.

HCO affiliations

Sort order

Active HCO affiliations are listed first, followed by inactive affiliations. Any inactive affiliations are hidden, by default, but can be displayed by clicking Show inactive affiliations.

Summary card

The summary card contains the following information:

Click the summary card to expand it and view more information. You can also click the HCO name to open that record in a new browser tab.

There are no field revisions for child affiliations.

Show additional OpenData HCOs

OpenData records can contain a link to view affiliations that have not yet been downloaded to your Network instance. You can download the HCOs using the Show additional OpenData HCOs link.

For more information, see Show additional OpenData HCOs.

Licenses section

This section displays information for each SLN and DEA license and dates assigned to the entity. Approved updates to license expiration dates result in real-time recalculation of sample eligibility, enabling reps to sample the corresponding provider immediately.

A count of the active and inactive licenses on the record displays beside the section header.

Sort order

Primary licenses appear at the top of the list.

  1. Unique Checkbox primary fields in descending order, including inactive licenses

  2. Status - active licenses
  3. License eligibility

  4. Licensing authority
  5. Sample eligibility
  6. Best State License (SLN followed by DEA)

Summary cards

A Primary icon appears on the summary card followed by a list of business units that are primary for that license. If multiple primaries are listed, a count of the remaining units displays at the end of the list. This applies to Unique Checkbox primary fields.

Each summary card can include the following details and badges:

Details Badges


  • License number
  • Expiration date (if a license has expired, the date is dimmed)

    The date is in the user's timezone.

  • License degree (for example, RN, Doctor of Medicine)
  • Licensing authority (state name)
  • Primary indication for business units


  • License number
  • Expiration date (if a license has expired, the date is dimmed)
  • DEA address
  • Licensing authority (DEA)
  • Primary indication for business units
Displays when a DCR has been submitted on a license or the license is part of a multiple sub-object DCR.
Displays when the license record state is Under Review.
Displays when the license status (license_status__v) is Inactive (I).
Displays for state licenses (type__v is STATE) when the primary country of the record is the US. The badge display also depends on these required values for the following fields:
  • rxa_eligible__v is Eligible (E)
  • license_status__v is Active (A)
  • grace_period__v is defined and the grace period is in the future.

You can hover over the badge to view a tooltip with these rules.

(SLN only) Displays if the fields required for the Sample Eligible badge are not enabled or do not have the required values on a state license.
Displays when a license is defined as primary for a business unit (Unique Checkbox primary)

Click a summary card to expand it and view more information.

Adding licenses

To add a license, click + New License. Add values to any of the fields. When you have finished your changes, click Apply in the floating bar at the bottom of your browser window.

Addresses on licenses

Licenses can contain addresses. If the address is valid, the formatted address displays.

If the address state is not valid (in any state other than VALID), the address field displays the address VID. For example, if the address has been inactivated in a merge, the address no longer displays in the Addresses section on the profile, but the license displays the address VID.

Custom sub-objects

Any custom sub-objects that have been created in your Network instance will display on main object's profile page. The left navigation includes the custom sub-object so that you can easily navigate to that section of the profile.

For example, a custom sub-object called STUDY CONDITIONS has been created for the STUDY custom object in this Network instance.

You must have access to those objects through your data visibility profile. For example, if you do not have access to a custom object called STUDY, and STUDY is affiliated to HCP records, you will not be able to view the custom relationship object (CLINICAL TRIALS) section on the HCP record.

Field revision history is not available on custom sub-objects.

Summary cards

Summary cards for all sub-objects and custom relationship objects display the summary fields that were defined in the profile layout.

Custom relationship objects

Custom object relationships are always managed locally. The Affiliation badge displays below the custom object icon. It can help you to easily identify which objects on the Profile page are relationship objects.

You can also use the badge to identify which relationships are not Active or Valid/Under Review.

Editing and adding custom sub-objects

Data stewards and data managers can edit and add custom sub-objects. The + New card does not display and the existing fields are locked for other Network users. When you have finished your changes, click Apply at the bottom of the Profile page.


This section displays for US OpenData HCOs only.

For more details, see OpenData hierarchy data.

External Identifiers

This section lists any external IDs assigned to the record. Each custom key has its own card that can be expanded to display the dedicated fields: source, item type, value, and status. Summary cards are sorted by status so the most relevant custom keys are at the top of the list. The Inactive badge on inactive or source deactivated custom keys helps users differentiate between active and inactive custom keys.

Only the custom key status field can be edited on existing custom keys.

Adding custom keys

To add a custom key to a record, click + New Custom Key and provide the information for the required fields. When you have finished your changes, click Apply at the bottom of the Profile page.

Generated custom keys

Some custom keys are automatically generated when records are added or edited.

Edit profiles

All Network users can add or change unlocked fields on the Profile page for HCPs and HCOs. Data Stewards and Data Managers can update records for custom objects.

When changes are made to a field, the Undo option displays above the field, so you have the option to revert your changes. The Undo button also provides an indication of fields that you've edited on the page.

When the Profile page has changes, a floating ribbon displays at the bottom of your browser window. Click Apply to save your changes. If you Cancel your changes, a dialog displays to confirm the action. If you reply Yes to confirm the cancellation, all changes are reverted and the profile is set back to view mode. If you answer No to the Cancel confirmation, the page remains in edit mode.

Apply your changes

  • For Administrators and Standard Users - Click Apply to submit a change request for the record.

  • Data Stewards and Data Managers - Click Apply to make the update. A banner displays when the profile is updated. Click Refresh to view the update.


If attachments are supported for your request, you can add up to three image files to provide supporting information for Data Stewards.

For details, see Attachments on DCRs.

Edit custom object records

You can edit all types of custom objects if you have edit permission; meaning, the Data Read-only access permission in the data visibility profile for that country is False. Sub-objects (Veeva and custom) and custom relationship objects can be added to custom object records, however, custom relationship objects can be added to the record of the owner object only.

Administrators and standard users cannot add or edit custom relationship objects on custom object records or standard object records.