Veeva CRM integration
Veeva CRM is a CRM application built on the Salesforce platform. Network integrates seamlessly with Veeva CRM to provide real-time validated data to CRM users.
The following integration topics are available:
- Network Bridge - Within Network, run and monitor the data subscription jobs that export data from Network to Veeva CRM.
- Network hashtags in CRM - Configure hashtags to display in Veeva CRM to help CRM users find correct records faster in Network Account Search and throughout the CRM application (both Online and iPad).
- Increment delta IDs - Network increments the delta ID on objects for rejected data change requests so records remain synced between CRM and Network.
- Upserting data to CRM - Use the Veeva Connector to push object data from Network's FTP server to CRM.
- Extracting data from Veeva CRM - Use the Veeva Connector to communicate with CRM to extract data to Network's FTP server.
- Optimizing Network Account Search - Reduce the number of add requests that are sent to Network and help field reps quickly retrieve results.
- Limit Network Account Search results - Network Account Search (NAS) can be limited for Veeva CRM users based on specific Network fields
- View custom fields in OpenData search results - Display custom field values on search results to help end users select the relevant entity to download in Veeva CRM
- State distributor licensing - Export the OhioTDDD license data to CRM.
- Massachusetts Controlled Substances Registration (MCSR) licenses - Map MCSR licenses between Network fields and Veeva CRM fields.
- Dynamic attributes - Load dynamic attribute data from CRM.
- Synchronizing your CRM Sandbox - Keep your Veeva CRM and Network sandbox instances aligned.
- Transformation rules - Create rules to override OpenData values before records are pushed to CRM.
- Data privacy in Veeva CRM - HCP records that are anonymized or opted-out in Network can flow to Veeva CRM.
- Network address inheritance - Configure Network address inheritance for Veeva CRM.
- DCR attachments - Sales reps can add images to DCRs submitted from CRM. This provides supporting evidence to Data Stewards so they can easily validate and approve the changes.
For more information about the Network and CRM integration, see the Network Integration topics in the Veeva CRM Online Help.