Match configuration


Match configuration enables you to define match rules and data groups to determine how Network manages incoming data from the following:

Match is configured similarly for each of these uses; however, because the intent of ad hoc match and source system matching can differ significantly, the specific match rules for each subscription are likely to be different.

Administrators can define data groups and match rules from the following pages under System Interfaces in the Admin console:

  • Ad Hoc Match Configuration – Match configuration used only for ad hoc matching. Supported for HCPs and HCOs only.
  • Match Default Configuration – Default match configuration that can be used by any subscription in a Network instance.
  • Source Subscriptions – Includes match configuration to be used by that specific subscription.

    In source subscriptions, match settings appear in the Match Configuration section of the subscription. Administrators can modify these rules in XML by clicking the Advanced Mode button on the source subscription page.

Supported objects

Veeva standard objects and custom objects are supported. Match rules can be defined for custom objects in Advanced Mode only.

Select a country or group

When you configure ad hoc match or a default match configuration, you first select the country for which those rules apply. Select a country from the Country drop-down list.

In a source subscription, you must select a Country Group, consisting of one or more countries:

If no country group appears when you select the Country Group drop-down list, you can click Create a new country group to create one.

In the Create New Country Group dialog box, type a name for the group, a country or countries to include in the group, and select the country to use as the template for the group. The contents of the template is then used as the starting point for all other countries in that group.

As you type country names in the Countries field, auto-complete options appear if matching countries exist.

About default configurations

Network provides a set of default match rules. When you view any of the match configurations for the first time, radio buttons indicate that the configuration is the default.

When the match configuration is set to Default, it will be updated automatically when Veeva introduces enhancements.


Changes to default match rules

If you make changes to the Default match configurations, Veeva will not automatically update the configuration when enhancements are introduced to avoid overriding your custom rules.

When you begin updating the match configuration, the radio button automatically switches to Override to indicate that the configuration is solely customer-maintained; Veeva will not apply enhancements to the configuration. After a configuration is customized and is no longer using the Veeva default, it cannot be reset to the default configuration.

Default match rules for custom objects

When custom objects are enabled in your Network instance, default match rules are created and are accessible in Advanced mode only. The default match rules only include matching on keys because the data for your custom object is unknown to Network.

Configuring source subscription matching

This process involves detailed configuration of source subscriptionClosed An external source of data, such as Concur or SAP. A source subscription defines the data model, job scheduling, and other configuration for the data import. in Network and modification of the match rules to tailor them to the incoming data for each subscription.

Administrators configure source subscriptions and their corresponding match rules in Admin > System Interfaces > Match Default Configuration.

Network includes a pre-built set of match rules for each country that has been tested and tuned. These match rules should be the starting point for any additional configuration and are included by default in each new source subscription.

The regular match process loads external data into Network and manages incoming records as follows:

Configuring ad hoc matching

Ad hoc match compares data to a customer instance without updating the database. This process involves uploading a .csv file, mapping its fields to Network field names, and running the match. Administrators configure ad hoc match rules in Admin > System Interfaces > Ad Hoc Match Configuration.

Output from ad hoc match consists of a .csv file containing the following:

  • Rows that confidently match a Network record show a status of Match Found. Each row with this status includes data from the matched Network record.
  • Rows that possibly match a Network record, but aren’t confident matches, show a status of Ambiguous Match. This indicates that the incoming record matches at least one Network record, but none of the matches had a solid confidence rating. Network data is not shown for these records.
  • Rows that do not match any Network records show a status of No Matches. These records did not match any Network record with any confidence. Network data is not shown for these records.

Using Advanced mode

Advanced mode enables you to configure data groups and match rules using XML to create blockers (data groups), classifiers (match rules), features, and feature sets.

When working with a source subscription, ad hoc match configuration, or match default configuration, you can click Advanced at the top right of the page to use advanced mode. Note that on some pages, you must select a country before this button is enabled.

Advanced mode displays text areas to configure data groups and match rules for each entity.

Match configurations for custom objects are only available in Advanced mode.