Network data flow and maintenance

Network offers a number of ways to import, export, and maintain data, using the Network UI and other applications and products. These methods enable you to share and access data within and outside of Network while ensuring quality data.

The primary method for importing and exporting data in Network is through subscriptions, which are also used to perform data maintenance. Network also provides mechanisms for performing one-time updates, as well as for sharing data between Network and other Veeva products. Network widgets and the Network API enable you to access and update Network data through your own applications.

Source and target subscriptions are linked to systems that correspond to a data source or target, and which include their own set of reference aliases. Each system can also be configured for proprietary or third-party data, and be ranked to determine survivorship during match and merge.

Loading data

The following are some of the more common ways to load data in Network.

Source subscriptions

Source subscriptions enable you to load local or third party data into your Network instance for matching and merging with your existing local data or Veeva OpenData. These jobs can be scheduled to run on a regular basis.

Veeva OpenData subscriptions

Veeva OpenData subscriptions enable you to load HCP and HCO global data into your Network instance. This data is mastered by Veeva OpenData. Subscriptions can be enabled by country and the jobs can be scheduled.

Data Updater

The Data Updater enables you to perform ad hoc updates by loading single files of local data into your Network instance. These types of jobs cannot be scheduled.

Exporting data

The following are some of the more common ways to export data from Network.

Target Subscriptions

Target subscriptions enable you to extract and export data so that you can update downstream systems. Data change requests can also be exported so that they can be managed by third party systems.

Compliance data subscriptions

For US instances, the US Compliance target subscription enables you to export raw data for use in federal and state transparency reporting.

Integrating with other Veeva applications

To facilitate the process of sharing data between Network and other Veeva applications, the following Network features enable you to share data more seamlessly:

  • Network Bridge - manage the process of exporting data to Veeva CRM and Vault CRM.
  • Veeva Connector - facilitate data sharing with Veeva CRM, Veeva Vault, and Veeva Nitro
  • Concur Connector - integrate Veeva OpenData search with SAP ConcurĀ®

For more information on these integrations, see Network Integrations.

External applications

The Network API enables you to perform import and export tasks programatically, so you can manage subscriptions and change requests, view object metadata, and search Network. For more information, see the Network developer documentation.

Network widgets enable you to search Network, view record profiles and affiliations, and submit change requests, all from an external web application. For more information on configuring widgets, see Network widgets.

Data maintenance

Network provides data maintenance subscriptions that enable you to maintain data quality by performing the following tasks:

  • identify and merge duplicate records
  • inactivate sub-objects belonging to inactive HCPs and HCOs
  • delete locally managed records
  • anonymize deleted HCP records to comply with data privacy requirements
  • unsubscribe from specific third-party or Veeva OpenData records

For more information on using these subscriptions, see Data maintenance subscriptions.

Data flow

The type of data and its direction flow depend on each feature accordingly:

Feature Data flow Type of data
source subscription inbound Network data
target subscription outbound Network data, DCRs
Data Updater inbound Network data
Veeva OpenData inbound Network data
Veeva OpenData outbound DCRs
Network API bi-directional Network data, object data, DCRs
Network Widgets bi-directional Network data, DCRs
Network Concur Connector outbound Network data
Veeva Connector (Veeva CRM, Veeva Vault) bi-directional object data
Veeva Connector (Veeva Nitro) outbound Network data
Network Bridge (Veeva CRM, Vault CRM) outbound Network data