Data Privacy
User Roles
Activity | ST | DS | DM | AD |
Flag proprietary data sources |
Opt-out HCP records |
Configure and assign data visibility profiles |
Configure and assign inbox task groups |
Key Concepts
Veeva Network enables you to safely manage data from Veeva OpenData Veeva-owned data that is shared with Network instances by subscription only. or a third-party master
Data that a customer purchases from an independent data provider that can be used as the master data in the customer's own Network instance. This data is never shared with Veeva OpenData. and customer data in a Network instance
A customer instance of Veeva Network that contains both Veeva OpenData data (if subscribed) as well as customer-owned records and data.. This is done without compromising security, while enriching data quality in the Network instance. Third-party data and any data flagged as proprietary in customer-owned data are never forwarded to Veeva OpenData as an add or change request.
Privacy of individual records is maintained through the opt-out Direction from an HCP that their personal attributes should not be visible to those who use Veeva OpenData. Capture of opt-out requests is required by law in some countries. management framework and is managed by country to ensure compliance with regional regulations. Corresponding records in downstream records are updated accordingly to maintain the opt-out preference.
Within Network, data visibility profiles A user-assigned profile that contains permissions and the profile layouts that are used when viewing HCP or HCO records. control the data that can be viewed and downloaded in report results and queries. Data visibility profiles enable you to assign different record profile page layouts to different users, who will only see the fields applicable to them.