Unique Checkbox with primary address calculation options

Administrators and data managers can choose to have Network recalculate primary addresses that use the Unique Checkbox configuration. This enables you to control the behavior of the primary flag using the options on the primary address custom field.

Primary address calculations can be used for any address on any HCP or HCO. The HCP, HCO, and address objects can be locally managed or managed by Veeva OpenData.

Options for Network calculation

In the Network data model, the Unique Checkbox primary field configuration contains options for allowing Network to calculate primary addresses.

Note: These primary options apply only to address sub-objects. The options are available by default on any primary address field that uses the Unique Checkbox configuration. The options are not available on other sub-objects and relationship objects that use the Unique Checkbox primary field. The Unique Checkbox configuration is available for all standard (address, license, parent HCO) and custom sub-objects and relationship objects.

The options for allowing Network to calculate the primary address support the following situations:

  • The record DOES NOT HAVE a primary address - For records that do not have a primary address defined (the primary value is No Value, Unknown or No/False) Network will set a primary. Only valid, under review, and active addresses are considered.

    Before version 20R2.0, if an incoming record had a primary address field value that was defined as No/False, a primary would not be calculated because input data overrode the calculation setting. Now, if the primary value is any value other than Yes/True, a primary will be calculated.

    Tip: If you want to retain the previous behavior for your Network instance, contact Veeva Support.

  • The status of the primary address is INACTIVE - For primary addresses where the address status is Inactive, Network will recalculate a primary address.

    If there are no active addresses on the record, a primary is not calculated so the record will not have a primary address.

    • Recalculate only if there are active addresses on the record - Network only recalculates the primary if there are active addresses on the record. If there are no active addresses, Network keeps the primary on the address that was last active.

      This option ensures that the record has a primary address remains on the record even if the address is inactive.

  • The record state of the primary address is INVALID or DELETED - For primary address records that have been reviewed and are considered invalid, Network will recalculate a primary address.

By default, none of these options are selected.

If none of the options are selected, the primary setting will not move from an address that uses the Unique Checkbox configuration. Multiple primary address fields can be created using the Unique Checkbox configuration, so you can define primary addresses with each specific behavior to support your business needs.

For information about using the Unique Checkbox configuration without these options, see Unique Checkbox primary fields.

Triggers for calculation

When primary options are selected, Network calculates the primary whenever new addresses are added to your Network instance or specific changes are made to an address.

For detailed information about the events and record changes, see Triggers for Network calculation.

Configuring a primary address field

For detailed instructions on creating a primary address custom field with the options for allowing Network to calculate a primary, see Create primary custom fields.

Setting a primary address on existing records

If you have selected options to allow Network to update a primary, Network will calculate the primary address for records over time as addresses undergo changes. However, to ensure that all existing records in your instance have a primary now to support your business processes, a source must set the field. You can identify the records in your Network instance that do not have an active and valid primary using reporting.

To learn more, see Setting an active and valid primary on existing records.

Setting a primary address in the Network UI

Any Network user can update the primary address value on a record. Changes are submitted and reviewed by local data stewards.

For details and examples, see Setting a primary in the Network UI.

Understanding how Network calculates primary for address updates

Network's calculations for primary when addresses are added or updated depend on the options that you have selected for a primary address field. Any combination of the options can be selected.

Review the sections below to understand how primary is calculated when addresses are added or updated using the following actions:

  • source subscriptions
  • updates on the profile page
  • updates in data change requests
  • change request API

Each example includes a number (for example, A1, D2, and so on) in the Workflow Example column to refer to a diagram. You can refer to the diagram in the Workflows section below to see how Network decides whether a primary should be calculated based on the address and the options that are enabled for the primary field.

Understanding how Network calculates primary for OpenData updates

Network's primary calculation when addresses are downloaded from or synced with Veeva OpenData depend on the options that you have selected for a primary address field. Any combination of options can be selected.

Review the sections below to understand how primary is calculated when addresses are added or updated using the following actions:

  • Downloading records from Veeva OpenData (using OpenData subscriptions or the Ad Hoc Download or Download from OpenData buttons).
  • Syncing a record with Veeva OpenData (using the Sync with OpenData button).

Understanding how Network calculates primary for merge and unmerge


A primary is calculated by Network if neither the merge winner nor the loser contributed a primary and the The record DOES NOT HAVE a primary address option is enabled.

If the winning record contributes a primary address, the winner's address remains primary after the merge. However, if the winner's primary is inactive/invalid and the loser contributed a primary, the loser's address becomes primary after the merge. ]If the loser's address is inactive/invalid, Network will calculate a primary from all the active and valid addresses on the merged entity.

If the winner did not contribute a primary and the loser contributed a primary, the loser's address will remain primary after the merge. However, if the loser's address is inactive/invalid, Network will calculate a primary from all the active and valid addresses on the merged entity.


When records are unmerged from each other, any fields that were set as primary on the original records are recovered.

A primary is calculated in the following situations:

  • None of the source views contributed a primary and the following option is on: The record DOES NOT HAVE a primary address.
  • An inactive address is primary in the source views and the following option is on: The status of the primary address is INACTIVE.
  • An invalid address is primary in the source views and the following option is on: The status of the primary address is INVALID or DELETED.


These workflows illustrate how Network determines if a primary should be calculated based on the addresses and the options that you have selected for the primary field. The letters in the purple circles; for example, , correspond to the examples in the tables above, so you can follow the decision points.

Calculating primary from addresses in the source and Network

If Network has to calculate primary, only active and valid addresses on the record are considered in the calculation. Addresses where the primary flag is set to "N" in the current change are filtered out from the calculation. If there are multiple addresses to consider, the following criteria are used as tie-breakers until one primary can be found:

  1. Source rank on the primary field
  2. Address rank
  3. Latest time that the primary field was last updated. This is stored internally.
  4. Highest Network entity ID (VID)

Impact to downstream systems

Depending on the options that you select for Network calculation, it might impact other business processes.

Changes to incentive compensation

The primary flag will move from an inactive or invalid address in a fiscal quarter if you enable the configuration options. This means that any sales data with the previous primary address that is now inactive or invalid address will not be available in downstream systems where only primary addresses are exported. As a result, sales reps may not get compensated for sampling an HCP at the previous primary address.