Exporting DCRs


In a target subscription configuration, you can choose the export type: data or DCRs. When you run a DCR type target subscription, data change requests (DCRs) are exported for the specified third party master systemClosed Data that a customer purchases from an independent data provider that can be used as the master data in the customer's own Network instance. This data is never shared with Veeva OpenData.; only fields that are managed by the third party data provider are included in the exported DCR file. Fields mastered by customer data stewards (gray fields) are filtered out.

The job history for the subscription indicates the number of DCRs processed for each entity type along with the export path for the DCR files.

Note: During a DCR export, no data (including data entities, source data, or reference data) is exported.

DCR export subscription

To configure the subscription:

  1. In the Admin console, select System Interfaces > Target Subscriptions. At the top of the Target Subscriptions page, click Add Subscription.
  2. In the Details section, provide the following information:
    • Name: This value is mandatory and must be short. Special characters and spaces cannot be used in the name; use underscores in place of spaces.
    • Code: This does not display until the target subscription is created. The code is automatically generated from the name of the target subscription and is used for exporting Network configurations. The code does not change if the subscription name changes. For more information, see View exported configuration records.
    • Type: Select DCR.
    • System: Select the third party data provider. The DCRs for the specified system will be exported.
    • Description: A description of the target subscription. You should provide meaningful information in this field to make it helpful to other potential users.
    • Status: New subscriptions are Enabled by default. They can be inactivated when they are no longer regularly used. For more information, see Inactive subscriptions.
  3. In the General Export Options section, define the following settings:

    • Full Data Extract - Choose a Full (all available DCRs) or Delta (only the DCRs that were created since the last run of the subscription) export.
    • DCR Status - Choose to export DCRs that are Pending Only or All DCRs (change requests for all task statuses will be exported).
    • Save Delta State - Applies to Full DCR exports only. Choose this option if you want the export to save the last delta IDClosed A number assigned to a record that is incremented every time that a record is updated in any way. that is exported as the delta state.
    • Include Parent HCO Master Key - Include the master key of the parent HCO when a DCR with a relationship is exported. This is helpful so third party masters can easily identify the parent HCO and process the DCR.

      Three columns will be added to the exported file:




      The columns contain the active custom key of the related parent HCO object for the selected third party system. If there are no active custom keys on the parent HCO object, or if the ENTITY_TYPE of the row is not "RELATION", these columns are empty.

    • The file Format and Encoding is automatically set to CSV and UTF-8 respectively.

    • Network FTP Path - Choose the Default path or identify a Custom path.

      The default path is outbound/<system_name>.

      Administrators can give users specific access to FTP folders, so identifying a custom path for this subscription enables you to protect the data. For more information about identifying FTP folder access for users, see Add a user profile. Custom paths are not validated, so ensure that they are correct so your job does not fail.

      For information about accessing the files in your Network file system, see File Explorer.

    • Export to Cloud Storage - Export the data directly to your private cloud storage. Exporting to Amazon S3 buckets are supported.

      The Amazon S3 bucket must be created with write access so you can export the files. For more information, see Exporting data to cloud storage.

      External Credential Location - If you chose Export to Cloud Storage, this setting displays. Select the Amazon S3 credential from the list or click the link to create the credential. Click Test Connection to ensure that the credentials are valid.

      Note: The files are always exported to your FTP folder so Network FTP Path remains selected if you also choose Export to Cloud Storage.

  4. In the Transformation Queries section, apply queries to the target subscription to post-process the DCR export files (third-party owned DCRs). For example, you can transform the third-party DCRs in a format that a third-party system might expect to receive.

    The queries will transform the data within Network before exporting it in the target subscription.

    For examples and detailed steps for creating queries, see Transforming outbound data.


  5. In the Job Schedule section, choose to run the subscription manually or on a scheduled basis. If you select Manual, the subscription only runs when you click the Start Job button on the subscription page.
  6. You can choose to trigger other actions to start after a job runs. For more information, see Subscription job triggers.
  7. Save your changes.

Exported files

Exported archive files are stored in the Network FTP path for the target subscription, within a subfolder named for their corresponding third party system. The archive file, for example, Third_party_DCRS_180109T112242447, contains two files:

  • DCR header file (DCR_BATCH) - Contains the DCR header information. The file is timestamped in Epoch time.
  • DCR line items file (DCR_FIELD_BATCH) - Contains information for each field added or changed through the DCR. The file is timestamped in Epoch time.

The following tables outline the columns used for each file.

DCR header file

Column Name Explanation
DCR ID Unique identifier of the DCR generated in Network
Example: 908541658826540032
DCR SECTION ID Unique identifier of the DCR section (HCO, HCP, Address, Relation, or License)
Example: 908541649959781376
DCR TYPE Describes whether the DCR is an add request or a change request (ADD_REQUEST or CHANGE_REQUEST)
SUBJECT The name of the entity or sub-object in the DCR.
Example (HCP): Megan Grass
ENTITY TYPE Type of added/changed Network entity (HCO, HCP, Address, Relation, License)
ENTITY ID Unique identifier of the Network entity (can be NULL)
Example: 908138316476449792
CUSTOM KEY SOURCE Unique identifier of the third-party master system (can be NULL)
Example: Abbott_Data
CUSTOM KEY TYPE Name of the entity in the third-party master system (can be NULL)
Example: HCP
CUSTOM KEY VALUE Unique identifier of the entity in the third-party master system (can be NULL)
Example: 20151027100
RESULT Final result of the DCR after the DCR is processed.
Possible values:
  • CHANGE_ACCEPTED - all changes for this request have been accepted
  • CHANGE_REJECTED - no changes for this request were accepted
  • CHANGE_PARTIAL - at least one field change was accepted
COMMENT Comment by the third-party data provider
DCR STATUS Workflow status of the DCR in Network
Possible values:
  • CHANGE_PROCESSED - change request was processed and a result issued
  • CHANGE_NEW - change request has been received, but not yet run
  • CHANGE_PENDINGREVIEW - change request was received and processed, but is pending review by data stewards or other upstream sources
  • CHANGE_INQUEUE - the received change request is made on an unverified object and is pending for the parent task to be processed
  • CHANGE_PARTIALLYPROCESSED - change request was partially processed by masteror customer data stewards
  • CHANGE_CANCELLED - change request was canceled
CREATED AT Date when the DCR was created. The date format uses the ISO8601 standard and is the timezone of the Network instance server.
Example: 2016-05-03T02:45:22.000-05:00
COMPLETED AT Date when the DCR was completed. The date format uses the ISO8601 standard and is the timezone of the Network instance server.
Example: 2016-05-06T05:53:56.000-05:00
CREATOR Network user name of the creator of the DCR
Example: edward.cole@verteo.com
CREATOR NOTE Notes by creator of the DCR
Example: Adding new HCP
RESOLUTION NOTES Workflow notes (system generated)
Example: System approved - Created by data steward.
COUNTRY The country code of the entity.
Example: GB (United Kingdom)
PARENT_ENTITY_CUSTOM_KEY_SOURCE The source for the active custom key of the related parent HCO object.
This column displays only if the Include Parent HCO Master Key option is selected in the target subscription configuration. If there are no active custom keys on the parent HCO object, or if the ENTITY_Type of the row is not RELATION, the column is empty.
PARENT_ENTITY_CUSTOM_KEY_TYPE The type for the active custom key of the related parent HCO object.
This column displays only if the Include Parent HCO Master Key option is selected in the target subscription configuration. If there are no active custom keys on the parent HCO object, or if the ENTITY_Type of the row is not RELATION, the column is empty.
PARENT_ENTITY_CUSTOM_KEY_VALUE The value for the active custom key of the related parent HCO object.
This column displays only if the Include Parent HCO Master Key option is selected in the target subscription configuration. If there are no active custom keys on the parent HCO object, or if the ENTITY_Type of the row is not RELATION, the column is empty.

Example file

DCR line items file

Column Name Explanation
DCR ID Unique identifier of the DCR generated in Network
Example: 908541658826540032
DCR SECTION ID Unique identifier of the DCR section (HCO, HCP, Address, Relation, or License)
Example: 908541649959781376
DCR TYPE Describes whether the DCR is an add request or a change request (ADD_REQUEST or CHANGE_REQUEST)
SUBJECT The name of the entity or sub-object in the DCR.
Example (HCP): Megan Grass


Type of added/changed Network entity (HCO, HCP, Address, Relation, License)
ENTITY ID Unique identifier of the Network entity (can be NULL)
Example: 908138316476449792
CUSTOM KEY SOURCE Unique identifier of the third-party master system (can be NULL)
Example: Abbott Data
CUSTOM KEY TYPE Name of the entity in the third-party master system (can be NULL)
Example: HCP
CUSTOM KEY VALUE Unique identifier of the entity in the third-party master system (can be NULL)
Example: 20151027100
FIELD NAME Name of the changed field
Example: specialty_1__v
OLD VALUE Field value before the requested change (can be NULL)
CHANGE REQUESTED New field value
Example: GP
FINAL VALUE Final field value after the DCR is processed
Example: GP
FIELD STATUS Final status of the field after the DCR is processed (CHANGE_ACCEPTED or CHANGE_REJECTED)

Example file