Data change requests

Network has a data change request (DCR) process that ensures that only accurate data is stored in your instance. Users can add records or update data on existing records by submitting change requests. The DCRs are routed to data stewards who validate the change requests to ensure that it's correct before accepting the change. The process ensures that requests are responded to quickly and that data is verified to be accurate.

Data change request features:

  • Submitting change requests - Users can submit DCRs to add and update records through the Network UI or through a pre-built integration with Veeva CRM.

    DCRs can also be submitted using the Network API.

  • DCR processing - Change requests are automatically routed to the appropriate data stewards to validate the data:
    • Local stewards - Changes to locally managed (gray or green) records or fields, custom fields, custom objects, and some add requests (if you do not have a subscription to Veeva OpenData for that country and the HCO and HCP type is not third party managed).
    • Third party stewards - Changes to third party (blue) records and fields and add requests when the HCO and HCP type is managed by the third party data provider.
    • Veeva OpenData stewards - Changes to OpenData (orange) fields on orange records and add requests submitted for countries where you have an OpenData subscription (except when the HCO or HCP type is a custom type in the country where you have the subscription).
  • My Requests - Users can view and monitor all of the DCRs they've submitted on their My Requests page.
  • Workflow settings - Administrators can change the default behavior of add and change requests and add country specific exceptions using workflow settings.


Review the following diagram to understand how your requests are processed in Network.

User activities

The following activities are available depending on the user type:

The System and Data Admin user role combines the full capabilities of Data Stewards and Administrators.
Activity Standard User Data Steward Data Manager Administrator
Add or change a record from Veeva CRM 1
Add a record in the Network UI
Update a record in the Network UI
View your submitted DCRs
Accept or reject DCRs  
Submit DCRs using source subscriptions    
Manage workflow options for DCRs      
1 Veeva CRM activities are performed by Network integration users