NEX functions

This list includes functions currently supported for rule expressions.


Traverses from the parent HCP or HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine whether all of them meet the defined criteria. Returns a Boolean.

ALL(sub-object set name WHERE expression)

ALL can be used in SELECT statements.


Traverses from the parent HCP or HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine whether any of them meet the defined criteria. Returns a Boolean.

ANY(sub-object set name WHERE expression)

ANY can be used in SELECT statements.


Use this function with a data cleansing dictionary (lookup table) to cleanse and standardize data in text fields. For more information, see Data cleansing.

CLEANSE_STRING(field_name, 'data_cleansing_dictionary_name')


Combines attributes and static values. Returns a string.

CONCAT(string1, string2, string3...)


Determines whether the value contains the specified characters. Returns a Boolean.

CONTAINS(string, search string)


Traverses from the parent HCP/HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine the number of sub-objects meeting the defined criteria. Returns a number.

COUNT(sub-object set name WHERE expression)


Converts the input value into a date, for example 01-31-2023. Returns a date.

STRING(DATE(value, date pattern))

The TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.

For more information on date patterns, visit Oracle: Customizing Formats.

Note: For matching purposes, the STRING function must be used to convert the date to a string. If the date is not a string, it cannot be identified by the match process.


Enables you to add or subtract time periods to or from date values. The date parts supported are: YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. If the integer is positive, it is added to the date. If it is negative, it is subtracted from the date. Returns date/datetime types.

DATEADD(date part, integer, date attribute)


Converts the input value to datetime format.

STRING(DATETIME(value, date pattern))

The TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.

Date pattern format

Date patterns (for example, MM/dd/yyyy) are case sensitive. Uppercase and lowercase symbols can have very different meanings.

For more details, visit Oracle: Class DateTimeFormatter.


Delete objects and sub-objects during data load. Sets the record state to DELETED and the status to INACTIVE, and inactivates all custom keys on the object and sub-objects.


Note: This function can be used only for File Preparation and Transformation rule points in source subscriptions. The function must be called before the data gets to the merge stage.


Converts the input value into a number using an optional number pattern.

DOUBLE(value, number pattern)

LONG(value, number pattern)

For more information on number patterns, see Oracle: Customizing Formats.


Enables you to drop sub-objects (including address, license, and parent HCOs) under the post-merge rule point.


This function discards the record without a warning message in the Job Details UI. If you require a message, use the REJECT function instead.


Traverses from the parent HCP or HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine whether any exist. Returns a Boolean.

EXISTS(sub-object set name)


Causes the job to stop, with a failure code and the message you supply. Returns a log message.

FAILJOB(log message)


Determines the character position of a string. Returns a number.

FIND(string, search string)


Use to check the entity type of the record. Available to use in source subscriptions and custom fields.


Important: This function is the same as GETTARGETTYPE(), but GETTARGETTYPE() is not supported in the NEX Tester. Use GETOBJECTNAME() instead.


Check the entity type of the record. Available to use in source subscriptions and custom fields.


Note: If the function is used in the File Preparation stage, the item type (alias name) is returned because the object is not yet mapped to the Network object type in that stage. For example, you might see ACCOUNT returned in the File Preparation stage, which will be mapped to HCP or HCO in a later stage.

Note: GETTARGETTYPE is not supported for the NEX Tester. Use GETOBJECTNAME instead.


Enables you to evaluate an expression that returns a Boolean value, and to specify what action to take, depending on that value. If you do not provide a False action, no action is performed when the expression evaluates to False. Returns value type based on the condition.

IF(condition, value if true, value if false)


Sets the record state to INVALID (effectively removing it from Network) and the status to INACTIVE, inactivates all custom keys, and invalidates any related sub-objects for the record.


Note: This function can be used only for Transformation rule points in source subscriptions.


Same as ISNULL with the addition that if the value is blank ("") the function will also return True.



Indicates if the object is new to the system. Returns a Boolean.



Determine whether an attribute contains a value. In the subscription, you define how NULL is defined by the source. Based on that definition, this function returns true if the value is considered to be NULL by Network. Returns a Boolean.



Compares a value to a list of network codes for a given reference type. If the system is populated, it will leverage the aliases provided the ordering of entity model rules is "entity.model.rules": "network:nex, network:normalize_table, network:normalize_alias, network:normalize_cleanup".

ISVALIDREF(reference typecode).


Use this function to format an array of values using a delimiter. Empty text strings are ignored.


Note: This can be used with the LOOKUP and LOOKUPN functions.


Parses out the number of defined characters from the left. Returns a string.

LEFT(string, number)


Returns the length (in characters) of an attribute. Returns a number.



Displays a warning in the job history for any record failing certain criteria.

Note that this is not specifically for lookups. It can be used for other NEX functions also, for example, REJECT().


Used for lookup tables only.

Use to look for a value from a range (one or multiple columns in a row) and then returns a value in the same row. Returns the first value that is found in the table.

LOOKUP('lookup_table_name', 'column_name', <lookup_column_1>: <expression1>, <lookup_column_2>: <expression2>)

  • column_name - The column in the lookup table that the data will be returned from.

Support for field collections

A collection of fields can now be referenced in LOOKUP or LOOKUPN functions for NEX rules.


Used for lookup tables only.

Use this function to lookup all values matching a key in a lookup table.

For example, you can use the functions to store a product family in a custom field. Returns all matching values on the table; by default, returns 100 results. Specify a parameter to limit the number of lookups returned. The maximum limit is 500 values. If more than 500 is defined, the NEX rule automatically fails. In a source subscription, the job will complete, and the error displays in the Job Error Log.

Tip: To ensure that the array returned by LOOKUPN can be easily managed in a field or another calculation, always use JOIN with LOOKUPN.

LOOKUPN('lookup_table_name', 'column_name', <limit_parameter>, <lookup_column_1>: <expression1>, <lookup_column_2>: <expression2>)

  • column_name - The column in the lookup table that the data will be returned from.

Note: If a field contains an empty value, the empty value is returned in the results. For example, if the lookup returns two values but the first value is null, the null value and separator displays with the text value.


Used for lookup tables only.

Use to look for a value from a range (one or multiple columns in a row). Returns TRUE if value found, FALSE otherwise.

LOOKUPVALIDATE('lookup_table_name',<lookup_column_1>: <expression1>, <lookup_column_2>: <expression2>)


Sets all characters to lowercase. This cannot be applied to Veeva-owned fields in the local instance. Returns a string.



Returns the highest value specified. Each value must be of the same type; for example, date. NULL values are ignored unless all are NULL, in which case NULL is returned. Accepts string, number, or date/datetime types.

MAX(value1, value2, value3...)


Parses out the number of defined characters from the defined midpoint. Returns a string.

MID(string, number, number)


Returns the lowest value specified. Each value must be of the same type; for example, date. NULL values are ignored unless all are NULL, in which case NULL is returned. Accepts string, number, or date/datetime types.

MIN(value1, value2, value3 ...)


Returns both the date and time in GMT.


Note: The TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.


Sets value to its proper case. This cannot be applied to Veeva-owned fields in the local instance.



Enables you to use regex to identify aspects of the value. For more information on regex syntax, visit Oracle: Class Pattern.

REGEXCONTAINS(string, regex)


Enables you to use regex to update aspects of the value. For more information on regex syntax, visit Oracle: Class Pattern.

REGEXREPLACE(string, regex, replacement)


Rejects the record and generates a job warning. If you do not provide a log message, the rule syntax appears with an explanation for the rejection. Adding a log message helps significantly with troubleshooting.

REJECT(log message*)

Parses out the number of defined characters from the right. Returns a string.

RIGHT(string, number)


Loads dynamic attribute data from Veeva CRM.


Converts the input value into a string. This is typically used to prepare data for Network. Other conversion functions are used to prepare a value to go through another function. The pattern is optional, depending on the value.

STRING(value, pattern)


Use to split strings into a collection and then join appending/concatenating/updating values.

SPLIT(string, separator)


Returns a collection of elements based on the defined sort order.

STRINGSORT(collection, sortOptions)


  • collection (for example, ['Z', 'a', 'b'])

  • sortOptions - asc (default) or desc

Null elements are ignored. String sort is not case-sensitive.


Checks for the existence of a lookup table and returns TRUE if exists, FALSE otherwise.

Note: Use only as a Feed Acceptance rule.



Returns the current date at midnight in GMT. Uses the date format.


Note: The TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.


Returns the original value with the whitespace removed.



Sets all characters to uppercase. This cannot be applied to Veeva-owned fields in the local instance.