Network Bridge


Use the Network Bridge to run and monitor the data subscription jobs that export data from Network to Veeva CRM within Network.

The Network Bridge integrates the CRM account mappings so the target subscription files are transformed into Veeva CRM format. Veeva CRM accounts will be updated with the data from Network; for example, accounts will be merged or deactivated, and addresses can be updated with license data (DEA, SLN, CDS, ASSMCA, OhioTDDD).

You can configure the following types of Network Bridge:

  • Single country bridge - Manage and maintain the CRM data subscription process for a single country.

  • Multi-country bridge - Manage and maintain the CRM data subscription process for a multiple countries. Each country is created as a read-only child bridge.

Enabling the Bridge

This feature is enabled by default for all new Network instances. Previously, the CRM Data Subscription was used to run these jobs; it was deprecated on October 1, 2021. Existing Network instances have been migrated to the Network Bridge.

Benefits to using the Network Bridge

Network fields are mapped to CRM accounts so that the data is integrated as soon as the subscription job completes. Depending on the Network Settings that are configured in Veeva CRM, the following actions can be taken during a subscription job:

  • Delete sub-object account records if they are inactive in Network.
  • Deactivate HCOs, HCPs, and addresses in CRM based on their inactive status in Network.
  • Populate the address sync fields in CRM if the Network Address Inheritance feature is enabled
  • Merge or deactivate CRM accounts if they are merged or inactive in Network.

  • Update CRM addresses with the following license data from Network: DEA, SLN, CDS, ASSMCA, Ohio TDDD.

  • Filter the ParentHCO records that are included in the subscription job based on the value for the Filter Allowed Relationship Types option in the Network Settings in Veeva CRM.
  • Process and load state licenses quickly in batches.
  • Update all mapped fields for records inactivated during the Network Bridge process.

    This requires the CRM setting FILTER_INACTIVE_RECORDS_vod to be enabled with a value of 1. For more information about the CRM setting and sync options, see the topic called Handling Inactive Network Records in the Veeva CRM Online Help.

  • Delete addresses with the record state Merged_Into that were associated to DEA licenses. The CRM setting, NETWORK_ADDRESS_DELETION_PROCESS_vod__c must be set to 1 or 2. When the setting value is 2, the last address or primary address on the account is not deleted. For more information about this setting, see Handling Inactive Network Records in the Veeva CRM Online Help.

  • Trigger other jobs to run when a single-country Network Bridge job completes, or trigger the Network Bridge subscription to run when other jobs (for example, source subscriptions) complete.
  • Manage and maintain the CRM data subscription process for multiple countries using one Network Bridge configuration.

Prerequisite tasks

Before you create a Network Bridge, complete the following tasks:

  • Network - Veeva CRM configuration - Ensure that the integration is complete.

  • Add Veeva CRM credentials - Create the credentials to access the CRM org.

  • Create the target subscription - Configure the subscription that will export the data to Veeva CRM.

See the sections below for details about each task.

Network - CRM configuration

Before the Network Bridge can be used, the integration between Network and CRM must be complete. For more information, see the topics in the Veeva CRM Online Help:

Address considerations

The Network Bridge does not support the Salesforce geolocation field type. If there is data populated in these fields, the Bridge job will fail. To avoid issues, remove read and edit field-level security on geolocation fields for Network Integration users in CRM.

Add Veeva CRM credentials


Salesforceâ„¢ credentials are required for the Network Bridge. You can run the Network Bridge with the CRM org credential to access the Salesforceâ„¢ credentials that are stored in Veeva CRM. Using the CRM organization ID, Network can access the Salesforce session ID so administrators only have to update the credentials in Veeva CRM.

You can also run the Network Bridge using your Salesforce credential.


Before you create the CRM org credential, ensure that valid Network and Salesforce credentials are stored on the Network Administration page in Veeva CRM.

For more information, see the Administrative Tools topic in the Veeva CRM Online Help.

Add the credential

To add the CRM org credential in Network:

  1. In the Admin console, click Settings > External Credentials.
  2. On the External Credentials page, click Add Credentials.
  3. In the New External Credential dialog, choose Veeva CRM - Org ID from the list.
  4. On the New External Credential page define the following information:

    • Name - Type a meaningful name.
    • Organization ID - Type the 18-digit CRM Organization ID.

  5. Click Test Connection to ensure the credentials are valid.

    To test the credentials, an API call to Veeva CRM checks for valid Network credentials, valid Salesforce credentials, and that the Network user exists in the instance.

    A panel displays information about the environment that the credential is linked to. It also provides warnings if you are potentially connecting to the wrong environment; for example, if the credentials connect your Sandbox Network instance to a Production CRM org.

  6. Save your changes. If you did not test the credentials, they will be tested now. Invalid credentials will not be saved.
  7. The credentials are stored and can be used in the Network Bridge configuration.

Configure the target subscription

Before you create the Network Bridge, define the target subscription configuration that you'll use for the bridge. There are a few recommended settings for subscriptions that are used to export data to Veeva CRM.

  1. In the Admin console, click System Interfaces > Target Subscriptions.

  2. Click Add Subscription.

    Configure the settings in each section.

  3. Details - Define the following settings:

    • Name - Type a relevant name for the subscription.

    • Type - Choose Data.

    • System - Expand the list and choose the Veeva CRM org that you will export the data to.

      If you haven't defined a system for the CRM org yet, go to System Interfaces > Systems and create the system.

    • Description - Type a meaningful description for this subscription so it is clear that is used for a multi-country Network Bridge.
  4. General Export - These setting values are recommended for target subscriptions for single country and multi-country Network Bridges.

    Targeted Record Options

    • Full Data Extract - Choose Delta to export only the changes that occurred since the subscription last ran.

    • Record Type - Choose Non-Candidate to export all records except for candidate records.

    • Record State - Choose All so records with all record states are exported.

    • Export Only Updated Sub-Objects - Do not select this setting. All sub-objects should be exported in this subscription.

  5. Hierarchy - Determine the related entities to export.

    • Level of Hierarchy to Export - By default, one level of parent will be exported to ensure that relationships are intact.

    • Apply "Export Options" to the target records related entities - Choose this option if you want to filter the related entities that are exported based on any filters that you apply in the Export Options section below.

  6. Reference Data - Do not select Include Reference Data Files. It is not required for this Network Bridge subscription.

  7. File Format - Do not change the default values in this section. Veeva CRM expects target subscriptions to be comma delimited and to have a header row.

    Format - The format of the export file. This is set to CSV by default.

    Encoding - The encoding for the export. This is set to UTF-8 by default.

    The following options help exported files to comply with CRM's file acceptance format.

    Delimiter- The character used to separate values in the exported .csv file. Choose comma (,).

    Text Qualifier - The character to identify the beginning and end of text. Choose double quotes (").

    Include header row? - Ensure that this is selected so the .csv file contains a header row.

    Export File Format - Defines how the file is exported. Choose Compressed single file (default). This means that one compressed file will be exported and it will contain .csv file for each object.

    Compression Format - Choose the Zip (zip) compression format. The target subscription will export one .zip file which will contain a .csv file for each object.

    Export File/ Folder Name - Choose one of the following options:

    • Default - The file exported with the following naming convention: exp_########.
    • Include Name and Timestamp - The file is exported with the following naming convention: <subscription name>_YYMMDDTHHMMSSSSS; for example, CRM_Target_170113T191503397.
    • Static Name - Do not choose this option. This exports the file with the same name, so the file and folder will be overridden each time the job runs.
  8. Export Locations - Choose to save the exported file in the following locations:

    • Default - The default path is outbound/<system_name>.

    • Custom - Define a custom path.

      Administrators can give users specific access to FTP folders, so identifying a custom path for this subscription enables you to protect the data. For more information about identifying FTP folder access for users, see Add a user profile. Custom paths are not validated, so ensure that they are correct so your job does not fail.

      For information about accessing the files in your Network file system, see File Explorer.

    • Export to Cloud Storage - Export the data directly to your private cloud storage. Exporting to Amazon S3 buckets are supported.

      The Amazon S3 bucket must be created with write access so you can export the files. For more information, see Exporting data to cloud storage.

  9. File & Field Selection - Accept the Select Which Objects and Fields to Export default value.

    All the enabled objects in your Network instance display.

    • Veeva standard objects (HCO, HCP, Address, License, Parent HCO) - Accept the Export All Fields default value.

    • Custom Key - Choose Do Not Export. The exported file size is typically very large.

    • All other objects (custom objects and Network widget objects) - Choose the level of export.

      Custom objects and Network widget objects (Affiliation and Account Link) are not supported for the Network Bridge integration with Veeva CRM but they do not impact the Bridge subscription job. They can be included in the target subscription if you plan to use the same file that is generated for the Network Bridge for another purpose; for example, to load custom object data through a Veeva Connector.

  10. Export Options - Filter the objects to export.

    • Single country Network Bridge - Typically, a Primary Country filter defined.

    • Multi-country Network Bridge- Country filters are not required. They are automatically applied when the Bridge job for each country runs.

      A target subscription for a multi-country bridge will have the following filter groups defined for HCOs and HCPs:

      • Group 1

        • Field - Source System

        • Condition - Contains

        • Value - The system for the CRM org.

      • Group 2

        • Field - Defined Query

        • Value: send_to_crm__c:in:Y

          This query means that the record will be exported if the send to CRM flag is set to Y.

  11. Transformation Rules - Displays any rules that you have applied to this subscription.

    For example, create rules to remove specific address types from Veeva CRM.

    For more information, see Transformation rules.

  12. Transformation Queries - Displays any queries that you have applied to this subscription.

    For more information, see Transforming outbound data.

    Note: Do not use transformation queries to filter relationships or addresses for Veeva CRM using the Network Bridge. The Network Bridge does not just use exported files, it also involves other processes (data change requests, Network Account Search, direct downloads through the API, and so on) that do not use transformation queries.

  13. In the Job Trigger Configuration section, accept the Manual option to run the subscription. The schedule for the subscription will be set in the Network Bridge configuration.

  14. Save your changes.

The target subscription is available and can be applied to the Network Bridge configuration.

Next step

When the prerequisite tasks are complete, you can configure the Network Bridge.

Add Network IP addresses to the CRM allowlist

If Salesforce credentials are not validating in Network, Veeva CRM administrators might need to add the Network NAT IP addresses in CRM to your allowlist.

To include the Network IP addresses as trusted IPs in Veeva CRM:

  1. Log into to Veeva CRM as a system administrator.
  2. On the right side of the page, click on the user name and select Setup.

  3. In the Administration Setup, expand the Security Controls section and select Network Access.

  4. At the top of the Network Access page, click New.

  5. Create entries by filling in the Start IP Address and End IP Address for the NAT gateway for each of the following IP addresses:

    US IP addresses EU IP addresses  

Export Network Bridge configurations

Network administrators can update configurations between Network environments by exporting and importing configuration packages. Network Bridge configurations can be included in export packages so they can be imported to another environment. For example, you can test the Network Bridge in your Sandbox environment and then create an export package with the configuration and import it to a Production environment.

Note: Salesforce credentials are not migrated through configuration management.

Dependencies for multi-country bridges

When you create the export package and add the multi-country bridge, the following dependencies are automatically added:

  • Child bridges

  • System

  • Target subscription

The following dependencies are excluded from the package:

  • External Credentials

  • Schedules

Schedules and credentials must be created in the target environment.

Considerations for multi-country bridge name updates

Changes to the multi-country bridge name in the source environment will not update child bridge names that have been added in the target environment.

For more information about moving configurations between Network environments, see the topic called Managing Configurations.

License mapping

The Network License object is automatically mapped to the CRM Address_vod__c object for the Network bridge. Each license type has it's own mapping.

ASSMCA license

Network (License object) Veeva CRM (Address_vod__c object)
Field Name Label API Name Label
license_number__v License ASSMCA_vod__c ASSMCA
vid__v Network Entity ID Network_ASSMCA_Entity_ID_vod__c Network ASSMCA Entity ID

CDS license

Network (License object)

Veeva CRM (Address_vod__c object)
Field Name Label API Name Label
expiration_date__v Expiration Date CDS_Expiration_Date_vod__c CDS Expiration Date
license_number__v License CDS_vod__c CDS #
license_status__v License Status CDS_Status_vod__c CDS Status
vid__v Network Entity ID Network_CDS_Entity_ID_vod__c Network CDS Enity ID

DEA license

Network (License object)

Veeva CRM (Address_vod__c object)
Field Name Label API Name Label
expiration_date__v Expiration Date DEA_Expiration_Date_vod__c DEA Expiration Date
license_number__v License DEA_vod__c DEA #
vid__v Network Entity ID Network_DEA_Entity_ID_vod__c Network DEA Entity ID
license_status__v License Status DEA_Status_vod__c DEA Status
drug_schedule__v Drug Schedule Details DEA_Schedule_vod__c DEA Schedule
record_state__v Record State DEA_Address_vod__c DEA Address?

State (SLN) license

Network (License object)

Veeva CRM (Address_vod__c object)
Field Name Label API Name Label
expiration_date__v Expiration Date License_Expiration_Date_vod__c License Expiration Date
license_status__v License Status License_Status_vod__c License Status
license_number__v License Number License_vod__c License #
vid__v Network Entity ID Network_License_Entity_ID_vod__c Network License Entity ID
license_eligibility__v Prescriptive Authority Network_Sample_Eligibility_vod__c Network Prescriptive Authority
rxa_eligible__v Sample Eligibility Network_RXA_Eligible_vod__c Network RXA Eligible
ctrl_substance_sample__v 1 Controlled Substances Sample Eligibility Network_Ctrl_Sub_Sample_Eligibility_vod__c Network Ctrl Sub Sample Eligibility
ctrl_substance_prescriptive__v1 Controlled Substances Prescriptive Authority Network_Ctrl_Sub_Prescriptive_vod__c Network Ctrl Sub Prescriptive Authority
comprehensive_sample_eligibility__v1 Comprehensive Sample Eligibility Network_Comp_Sample_Eligibility_vod__c Network Comp Sample Eligibility
comprehensive_prescriptive_authority__v1 Comprehensive Prescriptive Authority Network_Comp_Prescriptive_Authority_vod__c Network Comp Prescriptive Authority
collab_agree_required__v1 Collaborative Agreement Required Network_Collab_Agree_Required_vod__c Network Collaborative Agreement Required
grace_period__v1 Grace Expiry Network_License_Grace_Expiry_vod__c Network License Grace Expiry
license_status_condition__v1 License Status Condition Network_License_Status_Condition_vod__c Network License Status Condition

1Field was added in Network version 22R3.0. For more information, see the Additional state license fields section below.

State Distributor (Ohio TDDD) license

Network (License object)

Veeva CRM (Address_vod__c object)
Field Name Label API Name Label
license_number__v License Number State_Distributor_vod__c State Distributor
expiration_date__v Expiration Date State_Distributor_Expiration_Date_vod__c State Distributor Expiration Date
license_status__v License Status State_Distributor_Status_vod__c State Distributor Status
drug_schedule__v Drug Schedule Details State_Distributor_Category_vod__c State Distributor Category
vid__v Network Entity ID Network_Distributor_Entity_ID_vod__c Network Distributor Entity ID

Additional state license fields

In Network version 22R3, additional State license fields from Veeva OpenData were added to help you determine sample eligibility and prescriptive authority in Veeva CRM. These license fields apply to US data only and must be enabled in the Network data model.

The following fields are now available to process through the Network Bridge data subscription process:

  • Collaborative Agreement Required - Indicates whether a collaborative agreement (CA) is required for the HCP.

  • Comprehensive Prescriptive Authority - Indicates if the HCP has any of the assessed conditions on their prescribing authorities.

  • Comprehensive Sample Eligibility - Indicates if the HCP has any of the assessed conditions on their sample eligibility.

  • Controlled Substances Prescriptive Authority - Indicates whether HCP is authorized to write controlled substances.

  • Controlled Substances Sample Eligibility - Indicates if the HCP is authorized to receive controlled substance samples.

  • Grace Expiry - License Expiration Date that includes the state grace period.

  • License Status Condition - Additional information about the license status.

The field values are based on data in Veeva OpenData. The fields are read-only; they cannot be changed through data change requests.

These fields will be automatically mapped to Veeva CRM fields so field users can use them in the CRM application. The fields can be imported to Veeva CRM through Network Account Search and through importing accounts during data change request processing.

Mapping details

The license fields are mapped from the Network License object to the CRM Address_vod__c object.

Network (License object)

Veeva CRM (Address_vod__c object)
Field Name Label API Name Label
ctrl_substance_sample__v Controlled Substances Sample Eligibility Network_Ctrl_Sub_Sample_Eligibility_vod__c Network Ctrl Sub Sample Eligibility
ctrl_substance_prescriptive__v Controlled Substances Prescriptive Authority Network_Ctrl_Sub_Prescriptive_vod__c Network Ctrl Sub Prescriptive Authority
comprehensive_sample_eligibility__v Comprehensive Sample Eligibility Network_Comp_Sample_Eligibility_vod__c Network Comp Sample Eligibility
comprehensive_prescriptive_authority__v Comprehensive Prescriptive Authority Network_Comp_Prescriptive_Authority_vod__c Network Comp Prescriptive Authority
collab_agree_required__v Collaborative Agreement Required Network_Collab_ Agree_Required_vod__c Network Collaborative Agreement Required
grace_period__v Grace Expiry Network_License_Grace_Expiry_vod__c Network License Grace Expiry
license_status_condition__v License Status Condition Network_License_Status_Condition_vod__c Network License Status Condition

Supported records

The state license data for these fields will be populated in Veeva CRM when the Network Bridge runs. If the state license record state is not valid and the license is associated to an address record that exists in CRM, the field values are not available in CRM.

CRM configuration

In Veeva CRM, grant Network integration users FLS edit permission and all other users FLS read permission to the new fields on the Address_vod object.

Network configuration

Enable the license fields and run a full Bridge job to backfill the license information for existing HCPs in Veeva CRM.

In Network, complete the following tasks:

  • Data model - Enable the fields on the License object in the Customer Master data domain.

  • Profile Layouts - The new fields must be added to the profile layout that you use for the US so the fields display on the Profile page.

  • Target subscription - Configure the target subscription that you use for the US Network Bridge to export all existing HCP IDs.

    • In the General Export Settings - Set the Full data extract setting to Full.

  • Network Bridge - Run the Network Bridge

All existing HCPs will be exported and processed. The additional license information will be populated on the records in CRM.