
Record owner for relationships

Relationship objects now contain Affiliation badges to identify if the relationship is locally managed, managed by OpenData, or managed by a third party data provider.

This is helpful for understanding who owns the affiliation data for troubleshooting purposes.

This enhancement is enabled by default in your Network instance.

Supported objects

Affiliation badges are supported for Veeva relationship objects (Parent HCOs) and custom relationship objects.

Badges on Veeva relationship objects

Badges display below the HCO icon on Parent Affiliation and Child Affiliation summary cards on the Profile page and on profile previews.

The badges indicate the following:

  • Record owner - The badge color identifies the relationship owner.

    • Gray - Locally managed records (not in China).

    • Green - Locally managed records that are in China.

    • Orange - Veeva OpenData managed records.

    • Blue - Third-party managed records.

  • Relationship status and state - The badge is dimmed if the relationship status ( parent_hco_status__v) is not Active or the relationship record state (record_state__v) is not Valid or Under Review.

    Related entity

    The record state and status of related entity (HCO) can be different from the relationship's state and status.


    The related entity in this parent affiliation is inactive, but the relationship is active and valid. In this case, only the HCO icon is dimmed.

    Tip: When the Inactive badge displays on summary cards, it identifies that either the related entity or the relationship is not active.

Examples of badges

In these examples, the related entity (HCO) is managed by Veeva OpenData and the Parent HCO relationship is locally managed.

Related Entity Relationship Object Icon and Affiliation Badge
Record status = Active
Record state = Valid/Under Review
Relationship status = Active
Record state = Valid/Under Review
Record status = Active
Record state = Valid/Under Review
Relationship status = not Active
Record State = not Valid/Under Review
Record status = not Active
Record State = not Valid/Under Review
Relationship status = Active
Record state = Valid/Under Review
Record status = not Active
Record State = not Valid/Under Review
Relationship status = not Active
Record State = not Valid/Under Review


Relationship owner

Hover over the badge to quickly understand the owner of the relationship.

Relationship status and state

If the relationship is not Active or is not Valid/Under Review, the tooltip explains why the Affiliation badge is dimmed.

The relationship state or status does not display in the tooltip if the relationship is Active and Valid/Under Review.

Badges on custom relationship objects

Custom object relationships are always managed locally. The Affiliation badge displays below the custom object icon. It can help you to easily identify which objects on the Profile page are relationship objects.

You can also use the badge to identify which relationships are not Active or Valid/Under Review.

Send to OpenData

Add requests that are sent to OpenData now retain the default message, OpenData Takeover Request, in the Requester Notes.

Local Data Stewards can add comments to the Requester Notes to help OpenData verify the add request. Comments are now appended after the default message so OpenData Data Stewards can easily identify these types of requests.

This enhancement is enabled by default in your Network instance.