
User Roles

Activity ST DS DM AD
Configure systems and subscriptions    
Define rules for data transformation    
Manage Network user accounts      
Manage data change requests  
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Key Concepts

Veeva Network enables you to load data from multiple sourcesClosed A system that provides customer data for mastering in Network. and implement standards for data using transformationsClosed A user-defined rule applied to Network data loads which can be used to apply transformations to the data during the load. to synchronize and cleanseClosed The process of validating address information automatically during data load, change requests, and updates submitted through the Network UI, or manually from a Profile page. it. In addition to data feeds from Veeva OpenDataClosed Veeva-owned data that is shared with Network instances by subscription only. or third-party masterClosed Data that a customer purchases from an independent data provider that can be used as the master data in the customer's own Network instance. This data is never shared with Veeva OpenData. data sources, customers also rely on upstream systems to cross reference data, to provide supplemental data, and to support essential processes such as multi-channel marketing, sales data reporting, and compliance reporting.

Downstream systems integrate with Network by FTP or through the Network API. Network offers out of the box integration with Veeva CRMClosed A Veeva customer relationship management product used in Life Sciences.. Feed data for Network is stored on an FTP site accessible to authorized Network users.

For organizations that use Veeva OpenData, customers send change requestsClosed A request to change data from Veeva CRM, the Network API, or from within the Network user interface. Change requests are processed by either customer or Veeva data stewards, depending on ownership of the data being changed. for data provided to them, and Veeva validates and updates that data accordingly.

For organizations that use a third-party vendor for master data, the vendor typically provides the customer with their master data and stewardship services. Third-party master data is never accessible to Veeva, and is never used to improve Veeva OpenData.

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