Data model

Network address inheritance


Network Address Inheritance applies the address of the parent HCO to its child HCO or HCP record. In this release, a new field is added to store the Veeva ID of the Parent HCO on the copied address. Use the field to quickly identify where the address was copied from.

This enhancement is enabled by default in your Network instance.

Data model field

Previously, copied addresses had two fields:

  • parent_address_vid__v
  • parent_address_sync__v

A new data model field is added to the Address object to support this enhancement:

  • parent_address_entity_vid__v

The field is enabled by default if Network Address Inheritance is enabled in your Network instance.

Updating the field

The parent_address_entity_vid__v field is read-only.

On existing records, the field is populated whenever the record is changed. Changes to any field (HCP, HCO, or sub-object field) will trigger the parent_address_hco_vid__v field to be populated.

Refresh job

You can also use the Refresh Job on the Network Address Inheritance page (Data Model) to update the field on existing synced addresses.


The parent_address_entity_vid__v field is the Network reporting tables so you can use it in SQL queries.

Example query

Use the following SQL query to report on records that have the Parent Address Entity VID field populated.

        parent_address_entity_vid__v IS NOT NULL

Example results

Network API

This field is also available in Search and Retrieve API calls.

If you search for a record with a synced address, you will see the parent_address_entity_vid__v field in the response.

Cluster management


Customers can enrich addresses for additional providers and countries by adding cluster codes. In this release, Network has included support for the following country/third party cluster provider combination:

  • Austria - Insight Healthâ„¢
  • Germany - Insight Health

A TPA must be signed with the third party cluster provider to use the cluster management feature. For more information, see the topic called Managing clusters in the Veeva Network Online Help.

Formatted name


The custom calculation has been updated for the formatted_name__v field for Malaysia. The formatted name uses values from several name fields to display a complete name for an HCP.

This update is enabled by default in your Network instance.

New name calculation

HCP names for Malaysia are now calculated using these Veeva fields in the following order:

first_name__v + middle_name__v + last_name__v

Previously, the name calculation was the following:

first_name__v + last_name__v

The formatted name displays on the profile page.