Record profiles

Record profiles display detailed information for a particular HCP, HCO, or custom object. Depending on your role, you can view, edit, and delete information in the records, as well as view high-level record information, revision history, data lineage, and compliance data.

Using the profile page:

  • The most relevant information about the record appears in the summary header.
  • Business users can immediately see if an HCP or HCO is eligible to receive samples.
  • Previews of the Network Explorer, Revision History, Compliance, and Data Lineage data display for the record.
  • Users can choose to view field ownership, expand or collapse sections, and hide empty fields.

Additional resources

To learn more about the profile page, review these materials:

Enabling this feature

This feature is enabled by default.

User activities

The following activities are available depending on the user type:

The System and Data Admin user role combines the full capabilities of Data Stewards and Administrators.
Activity Standard User Data Steward Data Manager Administrator
View records
Edit records
Find suspect matches
View field revisions
Validate records


View associated tasks
Show/hide field ownership, null fields, and sections
Send local records to Veeva OpenData



Download records from Veeva OpenData
Manage candidate records

This list is not exhaustive, and some tasks are also dependent on primary country, data visibility profiles, and individual features. For detailed information, see Working with record profiles.