Step 1: Configure the Hierarchy Explorer widget


Create and customize the Hierarchy Explorer for your internal application. When you save the configuration, Network generates the code that web developers will use to embed the widget in your application.

You can add it to the Network Portal, an internal application, or Veeva CRM Online.

Note: If Hierarchy Explorer is embedded in an internal application or CRM Online, single sign-on is required.

To add the widget:

  1. In the Admin console, click System Interfaces > Network Widgets.

    The Network Widgets page displays a list of widgets that are configured in your Network instance.

  2. Click Add Network Widget.
  3. In the New Network Widget dialog, select Hierarchy Explorer Widget. Click Create Widget.

Details section

Define the following information in the Details section:

  1.  Name and Description.
  2. System - Select a source system.

  3. Type - This list is read-only. It specifies Hierarchy Explorer Widget by default.
  4. Widget Enabled- Choose Yes.

General Settings

The General Settings section contains options for customizing the widget.

  1. Authentication - Type the domain name for the website that will host the widget. If you are embedding the widget into the Network portal, use * or your instance URL; for example,

    Multiple domain names can be added. Wildcards are supported in case the domain changes and to support multiple domains. Click +Add Domain to specify additional domains.

  2. Languages - Define the languages that should display in your affiliation widget. English is defined by default. Click +Add Language to specify additional languages.
  3. Profile Layout - Determine which layout to use for viewing profiles.

    Typically, the layouts assigned to the user's data visibility profile contain all of the fields in the Network data model. You can override this default behavior and assign specific profile layouts for each country to the widget. For example, you can use custom profile layouts to standardize the widget so all widget users see the same fields or to limit the number of fields so widget users only see the essential fields.

    Choose one of the following options:

    • Use the DVP of the user - Typically, the layouts assigned to the DVP contain all of the fields in the Network data model.

    • Override the DVP and assign a specific profile layout - Use custom profile layouts to standardize the widget so all widget users see the same fields or to limit the number of fields so widget users only see the essential fields.

      If you choose this option, define the Country and profile layouts for HCPs and HCOs.

Additional fields display

Choose fields to display for HCOs and HCPs. These fields display as columns in the Hierarchy Explorer and users can filter the results using these fields. They will also be exported if users export data from the Hierarchy Explorer.

By default, the following fields display for each object in the hierarchy list:

  • HCOs - HCP Type, Roll-Ups (HCO, HCP)

  • HCPs - HCP Type, Relationship Type

Choose up to three additional fields to display. Use the handle to reorder the fields.

Note: The first field in the Additional HCO Fields section will also display in the Recently Opened view and in the directory Table View.

Reference, text, and checkbox fields for the root HCP and HCO display. The fields must be active.

Hierarchy Explorer Index worksheet

If there are fields (custom or standard fields) that you want to display as columns in the Hierarchy Explorer, you can update the Fields in Hierarchy Index worksheet that the Network team will provide to you. The worksheet contains the fields that are available for the Hierarchy Explorer by default.

To include a custom field:

  1. Add the field to the worksheet.

  2. Highlight the field with a bright color.

  3. Send the updated sheet to your Network representative.

  4. After the updates are completed by Network, you can add the field as an Additional Field in the Hierarchy Explorer widget configuration.

Fields in Hierarchy Index

Top Parent Mappings

Define the fields that will identify the top-level HCOs for the Hierarchy Explorer. All of the HCOs that meet the requirements defined here will display in the directory view of the Hierarchy Explorer.

Predefined values are available for regions. The mappings are available if your Network instance contains a data visibility profile for the mapped country.

Tip: Use the key_hco_network__v field. This field identifies top-level HCOs that are considered key networks or IDNs (Integrated Delivery Networks) in your Network instance. The field is managed by Veeva OpenData.

Define mappings

  • Country - The list contains countries that are mapped to the data visibility profiles in your Network instance.

  • Field - Reference type and checkbox fields are supported for the defined country. Only active fields display. Custom fields are included.

  • Condition - The In condition is supported.

  • Value - Choose the values that apply.


In the Branding section, customize the style of the widget.

  1. Widget header- Choose whether your widget should display a header.

    By default, a header is not included so the widget displays seamlessly into your internal portal. If you include a header, you can add a custom logo and title.

  2. Images - If you choose to include a header, upload a logo to add to the widget.

    Image files in .JPG and .PNG formats are supported. The image name cannot contain spaces. The image file will be automatically resized to fit in the appropriate space. The maximum height and width is 24px by 24px.

    The uploaded image displays in the Preview section.

  3. Fonts - Choose the font family to be used in the widget. By default, Open Sans is selected.
  4. Colors - Use the default colors or customize the colors for your widget.

    The default colors indicate record ownership for HCP and HCO icons; Veeva OpenData (orange), third party (blue), and local (gray).

    To use custom colors, select Define custom colors for elements inside the Health System Explorer.

    • Link Color - Used for all links. Default, #3A78BB

    • Icon Color - Default is #FFFFFF

    • HCP Icon Color - Default is #444444.

    • HCO Icon Color - Default is #005FB1.


In the Labels section, define the following options:

  1. Widget Title -The languages that you defined for the widget are listed. If you chose to have a widget header, type the Widget Title label for each language.

    By default, the title is Network Hierarchy Explorer. It can be a maximum of 80 characters.

  2. Top Parent - Define the terms that your company uses to refer to top parent HCOs. For example, Health Care System, Key Network, or IDN.

Save changes

Save your changes.

The widget configuration is complete.


Step 2: Embed your Hierarchy Explorer widget