Custom domains
Global entities
Administrators and Data Managers can now load and manage top-level entities that do not belong to a specific country.
Some custom objects, like Products and Brands, are not country-specific. For example, Cholecap, is a global brand, but it has country-specific package configurations.
A primary country called Global is now available to assign to these entities so you can manage them in Network.
This enhancement is available by default in your Network instance.
Supported objects
Use the Global primary country for custom objects only.
Do not use the Global country for Veeva standard objects. HCPs and HCOs depend on country-specific data models.
Global country code
All country codes are defined in the AddressCountry reference type (Data Model > Reference Data).
The AA country code definition is now Global.
Note: The Global country code represents a "virtual" country to designate entities that do not have a specific country; it does not mean all countries.
Use this reference code for custom objects that do not belong to a specific country.
Create a data visibility profile
To view global entities in Network, there must be a data visibility profile assigned to the Global primary country.
Create a data visibility profile (DVP) and then assign it to users that should have permission to view and access these entities.
In the Admin console, click Users > Data Visibility Profile.
Click Add New Profile.
Type a Name and Description.
Expand the Country Specification list and choose Global.
Important - Global does not mean that users can view records for all countries. It means that users can view the records that use the AA country code.
For each custom object listed, specify All or No visibility. Select All so users can view records that use the AA country code.
Note: HCP and HCO visibility is All by default but a DVP for the Global primary country does not apply to these objects: HCP and HCO records should never use the AA country code.
Define the additional permissions and assign profile layouts for each object.
For more details see Working with data visibility profiles in the Veeva Network Online Help.
Assign the DVP to any Network user that requires access to the global entities (Users & Permissions > Users).
Example DVP
Search for global entities
Users that have access to global entities through the data visibility profile can search for these objects.
The Global country flag displays beside records in the search results.
You can also use the Primary Country facet to filter the search results for objects with the Global primary country.
Global entity profiles
Records that are loaded into Network using the AA country code display the Global country flag beside the object name.
The Primary Country field value is Global.
Data model for global entities
The Global primary country uses the Other Countries (ZZ) data model. This data model determines the fields and values that are available to use for global entities in Network.
Custom fields
When you add custom fields to a global entity, the custom field configuration must specify the Other Countries data model.
In the Country Visibility and Field Rules section, ensure that Other Countries is listed.