Users and data profiles
Access to the data and features in your Network instance is determined through user profiles, data visibility profiles, and inbox task groups.
User profiles
User profiles contain details for each of the users provisioned in Network. The details include the user role (such as administrator or data steward), timezone, and language. Each user profile is assigned to one or more data visibility profiles. Permissions for some Network features can be granted directly on the user profile; for example, access to the Network reporting, API, and FTP servers.
Data visibility profiles
A data visibility profile (DVP) determines the access users have to records based on country and object type. For example, a data visibility profile for France can provide a user access to all health care organizations but restrict access to specific types of health care professionals. It also specifies additional permissions for features like Ad Hoc Match, search, and the ability to view specific types of records (candidate records, and opted out records).
Inbox task groups
Inbox task groups define the task routing behavior for change requests A request to change data from Veeva CRM, the Network API, or from within the Network user interface. Change requests are processed by either customer or Veeva data stewards, depending on ownership of the data being changed. based on country and record type. The inbox task groups are assigned to users to determine the tasks that users can manage from their inbox. For example, you might want specific data stewards to process STUDY custom objects, while other data stewards should only process Animal Health HCPs.
Inbox task groups are not assigned to standard users and integration users.
Permission sets
Use permission to provide application-level access to features. Permissions can be granted to user groups or individual users.