Records and fields for profile validation rules
Profile validation rules are applied to add and change requests. They are not applied during data loading through source subscriptions. There are some situations where profile validation rules are not applied. Review the following sections to understand when rules will trigger.
Supported objects
Profile validation rules are supported for Veeva standard objects and custom objects.
Applicable records and fields
Profile validation rules apply to any of the following records or fields in your Network instance:
- Customer-managed fields on valid OpenData records.
Customer-managed records. Customer-managed records can exist in any of the following situations:
- customer-managed record with a Veeva-managed Parent HCO
- customer-managed record with a third party-managed Parent HCO
- Veeva-managed record with a customer-managed Parent HCO
- third party-managed record with a customer-managed Parent HCO
Customer-manged records with a Valid record state.
On the Profile page, if a record state is Under Review
A record that has not yet been validated by a data steward. (records that are created if the Create Unverified setting is enabled in the workflow settings) the Validate button is active but a message indicates that only Valid records are validated.
Inapplicable records and fields
Profile validation rules are not applied to the following records and fields:
- Veeva OpenData or third party-owned fields and records.
Customer-managed sub-objects that are added to Veeva-managed or third party-managed records on the record profile page.
In this case, a data change request is routed to customer Data Stewards to validate the record.
Network Address Inheritance considerations
If a profile validation rule contains one or more fields that are part of a Network Address Inheritance configuration (filter or condition), the rule is skipped and will not fire. Profile validation rules are only applied to addresses copied by the address inheritance feature if they have been Unsynced (the address inherited from the parent has been changed).
Profile validation rules are not applied to the following copied addresses:
- Synced addresses - these addresses are inherited from the parent address, so the validation occurs on the record where the parent address resides.
- Disqualified addresses - these addresses are not validated because there is no way to reach its parent (caused by changes in configuration, relationship, HCP type, HCO type, and so on).
Disqualified addresses are retained because there is a chance to recover them if the inheritance condition is met again. If profile validation rules run on disqualified addresses, Data Stewards or Data Managers are forced to correct the violations. If the address is changed, it becomes unsynced and can't be re-synced to its original parent again.
For more information, see Address inheritance.
Merged records considerations
When an add request becomes a change request (for either new records or new sub-object records), the profile validation rules run on the merged record, not the initial add request. The rules are applied to the entire record, so validation errors might occur on attributes that are not part of the initial add request.
If a Data Steward created the initial add request and profile validation rules fail, the task is routed to the inbox. In the Data Steward's My Requests page, the status of the task is Pending Review.