Using rule expressions

DMData Managers

Rule expressions (NEX rules) enable you to enforce data quality standards when you process externally sourced data through source subscriptions. You configure rule expressions using a set of functions and operators to define specific rules for a particular stage of the data load.

Note: Rule expressions defined in a source subscription must be enclosed in square braces ([ ... ]).

Rule points

Rule expression configuration includes a number of rule points that define transformations or data feed acceptance criteria at various stages of the data load.

The data load stages include:

  • File preparation
  • Transformation
  • After update
  • Feed acceptance

File preparation rules

File preparation rules are applied after Network reviews each file individually, but before it joins them. This rule point is often used to properly format custom keys.

If your subscription contains two files, they will ultimately be loaded into the same Network object (for example, HCO), but will have different rules applied based on the file.

For this example, there are two files: HCP_PARTY and STATE_ADDRESS.

Transformation rules

Transformation rules are applied after Network has modeled the files to the Network data model, before matching and merging. All functions are available for these rules except those that require traversal through a sub--object record. This includes the ANY and ALL functions.

Transformation rules can be used for cleaning strings by removing extra characters, or applying business rules specific to a particular subscription.

After update rules

After update rules are applied after Network has joined files and matched and merged records. All functions are available and are applied to the post-merge state of the data. These rules only run on an entity for which data is being changed; If the import is identical to existing data, they will not run.

Feed acceptance rules

Feed acceptance rules are triggered at various stages of the load, based on the record count at each stage.

Configure rule expressions

To configure rule expressions, perform the following actions in the Network Expression Rules section of a subscription:

  1. Click the Add Rule link.
  2. Select the rule point from the Rule Point drop-down list.
  3. Select the entity for which the rule applies from the File/Entity drop-down list.
  4. Type or paste your rule expression code in the Rule text area.
  5. Click the Verify link to verify your code.
  6. Click the Add Rule link to add more rule expressions.

Rule expression functions

Function Syntax Output Description
IF IF(condition, value if true, value if false) type of value chosen by condition Enables you to evaluate an expression that returns a boolean value, and to specify what action to take, depending on that value. If you do not provide a false action, no action is performed when the expression evaluates to false.

Note that you cannot make assignment statements within the "value if true" or "value if false" parameters. You can, however, use the REJECT() function.

The following will not work:

IF(email_1__v == '', email_2__v = 'DEFAULT@TEST.COM')

Instead you would use:

email_2__v = IF(email_1__v == '', 'DEFAULT@TEST.COM', email_2__v)
LEN LEN(string) Number Returns the length (in characters) of an attribute.
ISNULL ISNULL(any) Boolean Determine whether an attribute contains a value. In the subscription, you define how NULL is defined by the source. Based on that definition, this function returns true if the value is considered to be NULL by Network.
CONTAINS CONTAINS(string, search string) Boolean Determines whether the value contains the specified characters.
FIND FIND(string, search string) Number

Determines the character position of a string. For example, in a file where the first name and last name are in one column in the format "last name, first name" you would use:

Last name = LEFT(NAME, FIND(NAME, ',')-1)First name = RIGHT(NAME, FIND(NAME, ',')+1)
CONCAT CONCAT(string1, string2,string3...) String Combines attributes and static values into a string.
LEFT LEFT(string, number) String Parses out the number of defined characters from the left.
RIGHT RIGHT(string, number) String Parses out the number of defined characters from the right.
MID MID(string, number, number) String Parses out the number of defined characters from the defined midpoint.
TODAY STRING(TODAY()) Date Returns the current date at midnight in GMT.
For example, 2019-04-22 00:00:00 GMT.

Note that the TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.

NOW STRING(NOW()) Datetime Returns both the date and time in GMT.
For example, 2019-04-22 07:30:44 GMT.

Note that the TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.

STRING STRING(value, pattern) String Converts the input value into a string. This is typically used to prepare data for Network. Other conversion functions are used to prepare a value to go through another function. The pattern is optional, depending on the value.

For example: STRING(HCO.Sales - HCO.Cost, '$###,##0.00)

Note that the TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.

NUMBER NUMBER(value, number pattern) Number Converts the input value into a number, for example, #,##0.00.

For more information on number patterns, see

DATE STRING(DATE(value, date pattern)) Date Converts the input value into a date, for example, MM-DD-YYYY.

For more information on date patterns, visit

Note that the TODAY, NOW, DATE, and DATETIME functions are returned in epoch or long format, which Network will reject unless you convert the output to string using the STRING function.

Important: For matching purposes, the STRING function must be used to convert the date to a string. If the date is not a string, it cannot be identified by the match process.

DATETIME STRING(DATETIME(value, date pattern)) Datetime Converts the input value to datetime format, for example, DATETIME(HCP.birthday,'MM/dd/yyyy'). Note that the date format syntax is case sensitive. For more information on date patterns, visit
PROPERCASE PROPERCASE(string) String Sets value to its proper case. This cannot be applied to Veeva-owned fields in the local instance.
LOWERCASE LOWERCASE(string) String Sets all characters to lowercase. This cannot be applied to Veeva-owned fields in the local instance.
UPPERCASE UPPERCASE(string) String Sets all characters to uppercase. This cannot be applied to Veeva-owned fields in the local instance.
REGEXFIND REGEXCONTAINS(string, regex) Boolean Enables you to use regex to identify aspects of the value. For more information on regex syntax, visit
REGEXREPLACE REGEXREPLACE(string, regex, replacement) String Enables you to use regex to update aspects of the value. For more information on regex syntax, visit
DROP DROP()   Enables you to drop sub-objects (including address, license, and parent HCOs) under the post-merge rule point. For example: IF(address_type__v=='M',DROP())". The DROP function discards the record without a warning message in the job details UI. If you require a message, use the REJECT function instead.
INVALIDATE INVALIDATE()   Sets the record state to INVALID (effectively removing it from Network) and the status to INACTIVE, inactivates all custom keys, and invalidates any related sub-objects for the record. For example: IF(hco_status__v=='I',INVALIDATE()) (invalidate based on status) or IF(address_type__v=='M',INVALIDATE()) (invalidate based on address type).
REJECT REJECT(log message*) Message Rejects the record and generates a job warning. If you do not provide a log message, the rule syntax appears with an explanation for the rejection. Adding a log message helps significantly with troubleshooting. For example: IF(LEN(email_1__v) >= 16, REJECT(CONCAT('E-mail [', email_1__v, '] with length [', LEN(email_1__v), '] is too long')))
TRIM TRIM(string) String Returns the original value with the whitespace removed.
ISEMPTY ISEMPTY(string) Boolean Same as ISNULL with the addition that if the value is blank ("") the function will also return TRUE.
DATEADD DATEADD (date part, integer, date attribute) Date/Datetime Enables you to add or subtract time periods to or from date values. The date parts supported are: YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. If the integer is positive, it is added to the date. If it is negative, it is subtracted from the date.
FAILJOB FAILJOB(log message) Log message Causes the job to stop, with a failure code and the message you supply.
For example:
IF (feed__v.records < 1000, FAILJOB( 'Feed expected to contain 1000 or more records'))
"IF(((feed__v.rejected*100) / feed__v.records) > 50, FAILJOB(CONCAT('Count: ', feed__v.records, ' Rejected: ', feed__v.rejected, ' Ratio: ', (feed__v.rejected*100) / feed__v.records)))"

ALL(sub-object set name WHERE expression)


Traverses from the parent HCP or HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine whether all of them meet the defined criteria.

For example: ALL(addresses__v where addresses__v.country__v == 'US')

Compact syntax can be used to combine expressions, for example, in the following example:

ALL [speciality1__v??'', speciality2__v??'', speciality3__v??''] IN ['1128','1128a1','1128a3'])

ISVALIDREF ISVALIDREF(reference typecode) Boolean

Compares a value to a list of network codes for a given reference type. If the system is populated, it will leverage the aliases provided the ordering of entity model rules is:

"entity.model.rules": "network:nex, network:normalize_table, network:normalize_alias, network:normalize_cleanup"

EXISTS EXISTS(sub- object set name) Boolean Traverses from the parent HCP or HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine whether any exist.

For example: IF(NOT EXISTS(addresses__v), REJECT())

ANY ANY(sub-object set name WHERE expression) Boolean Traverses from the parent HCP or HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine whether any of them meet the defined criteria.

For example: ANY(addresses__v where addresses__v.country__v == 'US')

Compact syntax can be used to combine expressions, for example, in the following example:

ANY [speciality1__v??'', speciality2__v??'', speciality3__v??''] IN ['1128','1128a1','1128a3'])

COUNT COUNT(sub- object set name WHERE expression) Number Traverses from the parent HCP/HCO to its associated sub-object records to determine the number of sub-objects meeting the defined criteria.

For example: For an HCP with a total of five addresses, where two are invalid and three are valid:

COUNT(addresses__v) - returns five addresses.

COUNT(addresses__v WHERE addresses__v.address_status__v == VALID) - returns three addresses.

COUNT(addresses__v AS address WHERE address.address_status__v == INVALID) - returns two addresses.

ISNEWOBJECT ISNEWOBJECT() Boolean Indicates if the object is new to the system.
is_new_object__c = ISNEWOBJECT()
MIN MIN(value1, value2, value3 . . .) String, Number, Date/Datetime Returns the lowest value specified. Each value must be of the same type; for example, date. NULL values are ignored unless all are NULL, in which case NULL is returned.
MIN(created_date__v, NOW()) (suitable if the object is being updated, and has not just been created)
MIN(DATE('12-12-2000', 'MM-dd-yyyy'), birth_date__v)
MAX MAX(value1, value2, value3 . . .) String, Number, Date/Datetime Returns the highest value specified. Each value must be of the same type; for example, date. NULL values are ignored unless all are NULL, in which case NULL is returned.
MAX(created_date__v, NOW()) (suitable if the object is being updated, and has not just been created)
MAX(DATE('12-12-2000', 'MM-dd-yyyy'), grad_trg_end_date__v)


Operator Description Parameter field type Return type
== Equals All Boolean
!= Does not equal All Boolean
() Parentheses (to indicate precedence), for example, IF (email_1_v == '' OR email_1_v == ''), REJECT() ) All Not applicable
> Greater than Number, Date, Datetime Boolean
< Less than Number, Date, Datetime Boolean
>= Greater than or equal to Number, Date, Datetime Boolean
<= Less than or equal to Number, Date, Datetime Boolean
+ Sum Number Number
- Subtract Number Number
NOT Reverse parameter, for example, NOT("1==2") = TRUE Boolean Boolean
AND - && True if all parameters are true Boolean Boolean
OR - || True if any parameters are true Boolean Boolean
IN True if parameter one is in parameter two (chosen from multiple values), for example, IF ( email_1__v IN [ '', '' ], REJECT() ) Parameter one - All, Parameter two - Collection Boolean