OpenData countries


You can subscribe to OpenData to receive data from many countries. Data for each geographical region is supported by a specific OpenData instance.

OpenData exports

Updated data is exported daily for each country from its OpenData instance. The latest updates are available to download to your Network instance after the export time.

The exports include HCOs and HCPs for that country. Related HCOs will be downloaded only if they are in the same country as the HCO/HCP.

Export times for OpenData instances

Data is exported at the following times for each instance:

OpenData Instance Daily Export Times Countries
OpenData APAC 06:40 and 12:40 GMT (every day)
15:30 GMT (every day except Saturday)
Countries in the Asia-Pacific region
OpenData Taiwan
(Managed by OpenData APAC)
06:40 and 12:40 GMT (every day)
15:30 GMT (every day except Saturday)
OpenData China 14:00 GMT (every day except Saturday) China, Hong Kong, Macao
OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 GMT Canada and countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
OpenData Japan 10:00 GMT Japan
OpenData LatAm 00:00 GMT Mexico, and countries in Central America, the Caribbean, and South America
OpenData NA 05:45 GMT United States

Update time

If the country subscription contains exports to process, a time displays in the Job Schedule & Triggers section.

The update time is the time that it generally takes for the exported updates to be available from the OpenData instance. Use the update time to know when to manually run or schedule the subscription.

The update time displays in your local timezone.

Export Times for countries

Use the tabs below to find the export time for each country.

  • List of All Countries tab - Countries are listed in alphabetical order. The OpenData instance and the local export time for the country's timezone displays.

  • Countries by OpenData Instance tab - Find the country by the regional OpenData instance.


The timezones applied to the countries correspond to the timezones that are available for users to choose in the Network UI (My Profile).

Standard Time - The export times display in Standard time. Some countries observe Daylight Saving Time, so the export time will change for those countries during those times of the year. The time offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is indicated to help you calculate the time change when a region moves to Daylight Saving Time.

This is the list of all countries available from OpenData.

Total number of supported countries: 122

The export time displays in local time for all countries. Unless indicated, the export runs daily.

  Country  OpenData Instance Daily Local Export Time Timezone
Albania (AL) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Algeria (DZ) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Andorra (AD) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Angola (AO) OpenData EMA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Argentina (AR) OpenData LatAm 21:00
Argentina Time (GMT-3)
Armenia (AM) OpenData EMEA 09:30 and 23:30 Georgia Time (GMT+4)
Australia (AU) OpenData APAC 16:40 and 22:40 (every day),
01:30 (every day but Saturday)
Australia East Standard Time (GMT+10)
16:10 and 22:10 (every day),
01:00 (every day but Saturday)
Australia Central Standard Time (GMT+9:30)
14:40 and 20:40 (every day),
23:30 (every day but Saturday)
Australia West Standard Time (GMT+8)
Austria (AT) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Azerbaijan (AZ) OpenData EMEA 09:30 and 23:30 Georgia Time (GMT+4)
Bahamas (BS) OpenData LatAm 19:00 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
Bahrain (BH) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Arabia Standard Time (GMT+3)
Barbados (BB) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Belgium (BE) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Bermuda (BM) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Bolivia (BO) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Bosnia and Herzogovina (BA) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Botswana (BW) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 South Africa Standard Time (GMT+2)
Brazil (BR) OpenData LatAm 22:00 South Georgia Standard Time (GMT-2)
21:00 Brasilia Time (GMT-3)
20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
19:00 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
Bulgaria (BG) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Burkina Faso (BF) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Cameroon (CM) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Canada (CA) OpenData EMEA 01:30 and 15:30 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
00:30 and 14:30 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
23:30 and 13:30 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
22:30 and 12:30 Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7)
21:30 and 11:30 Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
Cayman Islands (KY) OpenData LatAm 19:00 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
Chile (CL) OpenData LatAm


Chile Standard Time (GMT-4)
18:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
China (CN) OpenData China 22:00 China Standard Time (GMT+8)
Colombia (CO) OpenData LatAm 19:00 Colombia Time (GMT-5)
Costa Rica (CR) OpenData LatAm 18:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
Cote d'Ivoire (CI) OpenData LatAm 05:30 and 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Croatia (HR) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Curacao (CW) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Cyprus (CY) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Czech Republic (CZ) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Denmark (DK) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Dominican Republic (DO) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Ecuador (EC) OpenData LatAm 19:00 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
18:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
El Salvador (SV) OpenData LatAm 18:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
Estonia (EE) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Egypt (EG) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Ethiopia (ET) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Eastern African Time (GMT+3)
Finland (FI) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
France (FR) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Georgia (GE) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Moscow Standard Time (GMT+3)
09:30 and 23:30 Georgia Standard Time (GMT+4)
Germany (DE) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Ghana (GH) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Great Britain (GB) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 GMT Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Greece (GR) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Guatemala (GT) OpenData LatAm 18:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
Honduras (HN) OpenData LatAm 18:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
Hong Kong (HK) OpenData China 22:00 Hong Kong Time (GMT+8)
Hungary (HU) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Iceland (IS) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 GMT Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
India (IN) OpenData APAC 12:10 and 18:10 (every day),
21:30 (every day but Saturday)
India Standard Time (GMT+5:30)
Indonesia (ID) OpenData APAC 13:40 and 19:40 (every day),
22:30 (every day but Saturday)
Western Indonesia Time (GMT+7)
Iraq (IQ) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Arabia Standard Time (GMT+3)
Ireland (IE) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 GMT Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Israel (IL) OpenData EMEA Israel Standard Time (GMT+2) 07:30 and 21:30
Italy (IT) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Jamaica (JM) OpenData LatAm 19:00 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
Japan (JP) OpenData Japan 12:30 Japan Standard Time (GMT+9)
Jordan (JO) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Arabia Standard Time (GMT+3)
Kazakhstan (KZ) OpenData EMEA 10:30 and 24:30
Yekaterinburg Time (GMT+5)
11:30 and 00:30 GMT+6 (Bangladesh Time)
Kenya (KE) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Eastern African Time (GMT+3)
Kuwait (KW) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Arabia Standard Time (GMT+3)
Kyrgyzstan (KG) OpenData EMEA 11:30 and 00:30 GMT+6 (Bangladesh Time)
Latvia (LV) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Lebanon (LB) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Liechtenstein (LI) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Lithuania (LT) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Luxembourg (LU) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Macao (MO) OpenData China 22:00 China Standard Time (GMT+8)
Madagascar (MG) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Eastern African Time (GMT+3)
Malaysia (MY) OpenData APAC 14:40 and 20:40 (every day),
23:30 (every day but Saturday)
Malaysia Time (GMT+8)
Mali (ML) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Malta (MT) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Mauritius (MU) OpenData EMEA 09:30 and 23:30 Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4)
Mexico (MX) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
18:00 Mountain Standard Time (GMT-6)
17:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-7)
16:00 Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
Moldova (MD) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Monaco (MC) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Montenegro (ME) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Morocco (MA) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Namibia (NA) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 South Africa Standard Time (GMT+2)
Netherlands (NL) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
New Zealand (NZ) OpenData APAC 18:40 and 00:40 (every day),
03:30 (every day but Saturday)
New Zealand Standard Time (GMT+12)
19:25 and 01:25 (every day),
04:15 (every day but Saturday)
Chatham Standard Time (GMT+12:45)
Nicaragua (NI) OpenData LatAm 18:00 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
Nigeria (NG) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
North Macedonia (MK) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Norway (NO) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Oman (OM) OpenData EMEA 09:30 and 23:30 Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4)
Pakistan (PK) OpenData APAC 10:30 and 24:30 Pakistan Time (GMT+5)
Panama (PA) OpenData LatAm 19:00 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
Paraguay (PY) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Peru (PE) OpenData LatAm 19:00 Peru Time (GMT-5)
Philippines (PH) OpenData APAC 14:40 and 20:40 (every day),
23:30 (every day but Saturday)
Philippines Time (GMT+8)
Poland (PL) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Portugal (PT) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 GMT Western European Time (GMT+0)
Qatar (QA) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Arabia Standard Time (GMT+3)
Romania (RO) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Saudi Arabia (SA) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Arabia Standard Time (GMT+3)
Senegal (SN) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Serbia (RS) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Sierra Leone (SL) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0)
Singapore (SG) OpenData APAC 14:40 and 20:40 (every day),
23:30 (every day but Saturday)
Singapore Time (GMT+8)
Slovakia (SK) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Slovenia (SI) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
South Africa (ZA) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 South Africa Standard Time (GMT+2)
South Korea (KR) OpenData APAC 14:40 and 20:40 (every day),
00:30 (every day but Saturday)
Korea Standard Time (GMT+8)
Spain (ES) OpenData EMEA 05:30 and 19:30 GMT Western European Time (GMT+0)
06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Sweden (SE) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Switzerland (CH) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Taiwan (TW) OpenData APAC 14:40 and 20:40 (every day)
23:30 (every day but Saturday)
China Standard Time (Asia/Taipei) (GMT+8)
Tajikistan (TJ ) OpenData EMEA 10:30 and 24:30 Yekaterinburg Time (GMT+5)
Thailand (TH) OpenData APAC 13:40 and 19:40 (every day),
22:30 (every day but Saturday)
Indochina Time (GMT+7)
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) OpenData LatAm 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Tunisia (TN) OpenData EMEA 06:30 and 20:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Turkey (TR) OpenData EMEA 08:30 and 22:30 Moscow Time (GMT+3)
Turkmenistan (TM) OpenData EMEA 10:30 and 24:30 Yekaterinburg Time (GMT+5)
Ukraine (UA) OpenData EMEA 07:30 and 21:30 Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
United Arab Emirates (AE) OpenData EMEA 09:30 and 23:30 Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4)
United States (US) OpenData NA 12:45 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
23:45 Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
22:45 Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7)
21:45 Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
19:45 Hawaii Standard Time (GMT-10)
Uruguay (UY) OpenData LatAm 21:00 Argentine Time (GMT-3)
Uzbekistan (UZ) OpenData EMEA 10:30 and 24:30 Yekaterinburg Time (GMT+5)
Vietnam (VN) OpenData APAC 13:40 and 19:40 (every day),
22:30 (every day but Saturday)
Indochina Time (GMT+7)

OpenData countries are listed by region. Each region is supported by an OpenData instance.

OpenData instance export time

The export times for the instance is listed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) because most OpenData instances support many countries and many timezones.


The local export times each country are listed in Standard timezones.