Validate the Vault CRM Bridge

Administrators and Data Managers can validate the Vault CRM bridge to ensure that it is properly configured with the required mappings.

The integration between Vault CRM and Network relies on mappings that are managed in CRM. If the mappings are not configured properly, there can be errors when the bridge attempts to upsert data to CRM and when processing data change requests. The validation helps to identify issues in your existing mappings and find any possible missing mappings.

The validation job creates a report that contains the configuration details and the mappings between Veeva Vault and Network. Use the report to identify and create any missing mappings. If issues are found, fix them and load the mappings into Vault CRM. Run the validation again to ensure that the bridge has no issues.

About Vault CRM and Network mappings

Mappings are created in Vault CRM. There are four types of mappings that are required between Vault CRM and Network.

  • Network Mapping - Maps the countries to the Network integration user.

  • Network Object Mapping - Maps the Vault CRM Object API Name to the Network Object API Name

  • Network Field Mapping - Maps the Vault CRM Field API Name to Network API Name

  • Network Reference Mapping - Maps Network reference codes to Vault CRM picklist values.

For more information, see the Network Mapping Overview topic in the Vault CRM Online Help.

About the Bridge validation

During the bridge validation, the configuration and data is extracted from Vault CRM. The extracted data is compared to the Network configuration and identifies any invalid object, field, and reference mappings.

This validation includes what is currently done in Veeva CRM. This features enhances the validation by also identifying missing reference mappings. Missing reference mappings can cause records to fail to be upserted to Vault CRM.

All issues are noted in the file that is generated by the validation job. The Validation Status and Validation Notes fields on the mapping objects in Vault CRM will also be updated with the results of the validation (just as they are when using the Veeva CRM validation).

For details, see the Review the validation file section below.

Validate the Vault CRM bridge

To run the Vault CRM bridge validation:

  1. On the Network Bridge page, click Validate Vault CRM Bridge.

    The button displays only if you have a Vault CRM Bridge configured in your Network instance.

  2. Beside Validate Vault CRM, expand the list and select the external credential for the vault that you want to validate.

  3. Click Start Validation.

  4. If issues are found, a count displays in the Results column.

  5. Click the Download button to download and view the .xlsx file that is created.

    A Microsoft Excel file is downloaded to your local computer with the following naming convention: bridge-validation_<Vault_name>_<date>_<job ID>

    For example: bridge-validation_VaultCRM_2024-09-06_945473961016495263

  6. Review the file to see the issues.

Review the validation file

Use the Microsoft Excel to view any issues and recommendations. You can add or correct any reference mappings and then upload the updates to Vault CRM.

The file contains up to six sheets:

  • Summary

  • Network Mapping

  • Network Object Mapping

  • Network Field Mapping

  • Network Reference Mapping

  • Missing Network Ref. Mapping (included only if there are missing reference mappings)

Details about each sheet are in the sections below.


This sheet provides an overview of the Vault CRM validation details.


The sheet contains the following details.

Header Details
Validation Date/Time The time that the Bridge validation occurred. The time displays in the user's timezone (My Profile).
Vault Name The name of the Vault mapped to this Vault CRM bridge.
Vault ID The ID of the Vault mapped to this Vault CRM bridge.
Domain The domain name of the Vault
Username The name of the Vault integration user.
Object Valid / Invalid (Count of mapping records that are Valid or Invalid)
Network Mapping
(summary of data from the network_mapping__v object)
Network Object Mapping
(summary of data from the network__object_mapping__v object)
Network Field Mapping
(summary of data from the network__field_mapping__v object)
Network Reference Mapping
(summary of data from the network__reference_mapping__v object)
Missing Reference Mapping Counts (Summary of Network codes missing from the Network Reference Mappings)
Missing Network Codes
(Total count of the missing Network codes)
- Possible Matching Values
(Missing Network codes with possible matching values)
- No Matching Value Found
(Missing Network codes with no matching value)

Network mapping

This sheet contains the extracted data from the Vault CRM network_mapping__v object. For more information about the fields and data, see Network Mapping in the Vault CRM Online Help.

The job checks that the Network integration user has access to the countries that are mapped to Vault CRM. Use the validation_status__v and validation_notes__v columns to see the issues.

Example issues:

Issue Details
At least one related object mapping is invalid One of the related network object mapping records for this mapping is not valid.
Missing data visibility profiles The Network Integration user does not have a Data Visibility Profile assigned for at least one of the countries specified in this mapping.

Network object mapping

This sheet contains data extracted from the Vault CRM network_object_mapping__v object. For details, see Network Object Mapping in the Vault CRM Online Help.

The job validates that CRM Object API Name and Network Object API Name fields have the correct objects and that they are properly mapped.

Example issues:

Issue Details
At least one related field mapping is invalid One of the related Network field mapping records for this mapping is not valid.
Network object <network_object_api_name__v> does not exist or is not supported

The network_object_api_name__v field is not populated with any of the following values: HCP, HCO, Address, or ParentHCO.

Network object <network_object_api_name__v> does not exist or is not supported The network_object_api_name__v field is not populated with any of the following values: HCP, HCO, Address, or ParentHCO.
CRM object <crm_object_api_name__v> does not exist or is not supported The crm_object_api_name__v field is not populated with any of the following values: account__v, address__v, or child_account__v.
External ID field <{crm_field_api_name__v> does not exist on CRM object The external_id_api_name__v field is not populated with a field that exists on the CRM object specified in crm_object_api_name__v.

Network Field Mapping

This sheet contains data extracted from the Vault CRM network_field_mapping__v object. For details, see Network Field Mapping in the Vault CRM Online Help.

It displays the fields that are mapped from the Vault CRM objects (account__v, address__v, or child_account__v) to fields on Network objects (HCP, HCO, ADDRESS, PARENTHCO).

Example issues:

Issue Details
Field <network_field_api_name__v> does not exist on Network object The field in the network_field_api_name__v column does not exist or is not active for at least one of the countries in the mapping.
Field <crm_field_api_name__v> does not exist on CRM object

The field in the crm_field_api_name__v column does not exist in Vault CRM.

Incorrect field mapping type (<0>) for combination of Network field of type (<1>) and CRM field of type (<2>) The data types of the Vault CRM and Network fields are incompatible.
At least one missing reference mapping An active Network reference code is not properly mapped.
At least one related reference mapping is invalid An active Network reference code is not properly mapped.

Network Reference Mapping

This sheet contains data extracted from the Vault CRM network_reference_mapping__v object. For details about the data, see Network Reference Mapping in the Vault CRM Online Help.

The validation job ensures that the Network reference codes are correctly mapped to Vault CRM picklist values and also checks for missing mappings.

Example issues:

Issue (validation_notes__v) Details
Object type is not correct, it should be <correct object type> The object type listed in the object_type__v.api_name__v column is incorrect.
Picklist value (<0>) does not exist on CRM field (<1>)

The value in the crm_picklist_value__v column is incorrect or is not active value.

Lookup value (<0>) does not exist in field (<1>) on CRM object (<2>) The value in the crm_lookup_id__v column does not a valid record ID.
Reference code (<0>) does not exist on Network field (<1>) The network_reference_code__v column does not have an active Network code for the Network field for at least one of the mapped countries.

Missing Network Ref. Mapping

This sheet identifies all the missing reference mappings between Network and Vault CRM.

All active Network Codes for the mapped countries should have a reference mapping. If there is no mapping for the code, the record will fail when Network upserts the data through the bridge or DCR.

For picklist fields, the validation job does a direct comparison of the Network codes and labels to CRM picklists and labels to find a suggested picklist value in Vault CRM to map to.

Key columns

  • Match Notes -Identifies if potential matches are found between Network codes and labels and CRM picklists and labels.

  • crm_picklist value - The suggested picklist value.

  • CRM Picklist Label - The suggested picklist label.

The sheet contains the following columns and values.

Header Details Example value
Country The country__v field value from the network_mapping__v record. US;CA
CRM Object The crm_object_api_name__v field from the network_object_mapping__v record. account__v
Person Account The person_account__v field from the network_object_mapping__v record. true
Network Field API Name The network_field_api_name__v from the network_field_mapping__v record. speciality_1__v
CRM Field API Name The crm_field_api_name__v from the network_field_mapping__v record. speciality_1__v
Vault Picklist The name of the picklist associated with the CRM field. account_speciality_1__v
network_reference_code__v The missing reference code O
Network English Label Network's English label for the code. Other
Match Notes Advises of any possible matches to CRM picklists. Found matching picklist value name in Vault.
crm_picklist_value__v Possible matching CRM picklist value. o__c
CRM Picklist Label CRM's English picklist label. Other
crm_lookup_id__v Vault CRM lookup ID  
crm_record_type_name__v Vault CRM object type name  
direction__v Supported mapping direction bidirectional__v
object_type__v.api_name__v The API name of the object type the reference mapping should have. picklist__v
external_id__v Customer defined unique identifier for the mapping. Helpful for loading mappings to different vaults. NFM-US-Account-HCP-credentials__v-o__c-Other
network_field_mapping__v ID of the network_field_mapping__v record. VA5000000001012
network_field_mapping__v.external_id__v external_id__v value from the network_field_mapping__v record NFM-US-Account-HCP-credentials__v
network_field_mapping__v.legacy_crm_id__v legacy_crm_id__v value from the network_field_mapping__v record a2436000000AQI0AAO

Example sheet

Matching missing reference values

When missing reference values are found, the validation job compares the extracted Vault CRM data to try to find a recommended mapping.

Network to CRM data comparison

network_reference_code__v crm_picklist_value__v
Network English Label CRM Picklist Label

The logic to match the data is prioritized to find the best mapping. Network codes that are matched to CRM Picklist names are considered the best match.


Order Network Code Network Label (EN) CRM Picklist Name CRM Picklist Label Logic
1 MD Doctor of Medicine md__c Dr of Med Network Code == CRM Picklist Name minus suffix (__v, __c, __cda, _cda)
2 MD Doctor of Medicine abc__c MD Network Code == CRM Picklist Label
3 MD Doctor of Medicine abc__c Doctor of Medicine Network English Label == CRM Picklist Label
4 MD Doctor of Medicine doctor_of_medicine__c Dr of Medicine Network English Label == CRM Picklist Name minus suffix (__v, __c, __cda, _cda), replace underscores with spaces

Resolve issues

You can change any configuration issues or mappings directly in the file and then upload the updates to Vault CRM.

Note: If your mapping has an incorrect object_type__v, you cannot update the mapping through data loader. You can delete and then recreate the mapping with the correct object type.

  1. Update the validation file to correct the issues.

  2. Save the file as .csv.

  3. Load the .csv file into Vault CRM (Vault Loader) to update the mappings.

  4. In Network, click Validate Vault CRM Bridge again to ensure that all mapped data is validated.

Continue these steps until there are no issues found.