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Network help search uses an implied AND (&) between search terms; for example, searching for ad hoc match
only returns results that include all terms. This is the same as searching the following:
ad & hoc & match
Using this example, if you wanted to search for match-related topics but don't want to include ad hoc match results, you would use the NOT (!) operator:
match ! (ad hoc)
Note: The parentheses are required for multiple-word terms.
For broader searches, the OR (|) operator returns results for any of the search terms you provide. For example:
(match | merge) & rules
This example combines results for match & rules
and merge & rules
. The parentheses are required to include results for each combination. The &
in this example is included for clarity and is not required.
Finally, all searches can include double quotes to match the encloses search terms exactly as they appear; for example, a search for "ad hoc match"
would only return results including that exact phrase as typed.