Apply transformation rules to Network widgets


Transformation rules can be used to transform data that is downloaded from Network widgets. For example, you can use rules to limit type of addresses that display on downloaded records.

Transformation rules are supported for Search widgets, and the Profile DCR widget.

Note: Transformation rules are not applied to the data displayed in the widget.

Configure transformation rules for widgets

To support Network widgets, transformation rules can be applied to Search and Retrieve API calls for a system. This enables the rules to be applied for any user that uses the widget.

This can be specified in the rule configuration.

On the transformation rule configuration, you can apply rules to the Search and Retrieve API calls that use the defined system.

  1. Select Apply to Search and Retrieve API.

  2. Choose Apply to Search and Retrieve API calls that use the System.

This will apply the rules to the system defined in the transformation rule configuration.

The system is applied to the API call when widget users download records.

Example widget scenario

The following transformation rules are applied to the system used for a Search widget.

Address rules

  • Set Mail Only address types to Inactive

  • Limit postal codes to 5 characters

HCP rules

  • Uppercase HCP first name

  • Uppercase HCP last name

A user searches for an HCP account, Jack Diamond, in the Search widget.

Jack Diamond has two addresses: one Professional address and one Mail Only address.

When the user downloads the record, the data is transformed in the downstream application and in the JSON that is returned.

  • HCP first and last name is uppercase

  • Postal code is limited to 5 characters

  • Mail only address is inactive so it does not display to end users

Downstream application

JSON results