Using preset filters

Using the search widget in your internal application, users can search for records in Network; however, some of those records (for example, dentists or veterinarians) might not be relevant for the widget. Also, it might be difficult for users to distinguish and find specific records they are looking for. Web developers can add preset filters in the search widget code to define a subset of records that users can view.

Preset filters are defined as a property in the widget's HTML code that developers embed in your internal application. This gives you flexibility to configure one search widget, but use it in different areas in your internal application for different purposes (for example, users can search for pharmacies only in one instance of the widget and hospitals only in another instance of the widget). Providing the preset filters as a property of the embedded widget code avoids having to create and manage several different search widgets.

Example scenarios

Using preset filters, you can create one search widget and use it for different purposes in your internal application.

  • In your expense portal, add preset filters so field users searching the widget see only active prescribers in the results.
  • Create a widget for your call center application and create preset filters so agents have a search widget for each record type they have to search for (pharmacies, physicians, hospitals).


Administrators can view the preset filters in the search audit logs.

More information

More information, along with code samples, is available on the Veeva Network Developer Help.