Veeva CRM integration

Massachusetts Controlled Substances Registration (MCSR) licenses


MCSR licenses are now mapped between Network fields and Veeva CRM fields for the Network Bridge. When Veeva CRM users download records, the MCSR license details will be included on MA addresses for accounts.

This enhancement is available by default in your Network instance. There are configuration steps for Veeva CRM and Network.

About MCSR licenses

Massachusetts has new requirements for Controlled Substance Registrations (MCSR) for HCPs.

To support this, Veeva OpenData has added specific address information and drug schedule information for each MA CDS license.

  • Address VID (address_vid__v)

  • Drug Schedule (drug_schedule__v)


When the Network Bridge runs, the drug schedule information will be populated only on the specified address for the MA CDS license.

Enabling MCSR licenses in Veeva CRM

Veeva CRM

The MCSR data is stored on the CDS fields on the Address object.

In Veeva CRM, grant the Network integration user edit permission to the CDS fields on the Address object (including the new CDS Schedule field).

For additional information, see the following Veeva Connect post: Massachusetts Controlled Substance Registration - 24R3.0 Veeva CRM Enhancement.


To update all the existing Massachusetts addresses in Veeva CRM, push the records through the Network Bridge.

To do this:

  1. Run a query to identify the HCPs in Massachusetts (Reports > SQL Query Editor).

    Example query

            DISTINCT hcp.vid__v
            hcp INNER JOIN license
                ON (
                entity_vid__v = hcp.vid__v
                AND type_value__v = 'MA'
                AND type__v = 'CDS'
                AND license_status__v = 'A'
                AND license.record_state__v = 'VALID'
            ) INNER JOIN customkey
                ON (
                hcp.vid__v = custom_key_entity_id__v
                AND custom_key_status__v = 'A'
                AND custom_key_source_type__v LIKE '%CRM%'

    Note: Change the last line of the query if your Veeva CRM system name in Network doesn't include "CRM".

  2. Add the HCP VIDs to the Export by VID functionality in the Veeva CRM target subscription that is used by the bridge.

The addresses will be pushed to Veeva CRM the next time the Network Bridge runs. The MCSR data will be included on records when users download HCPs using Network Account Search.

Note: The license mapping is not yet supported for the Network-Vault CRM integration.

License mapping

Network (License object)

Veeva CRM (Address_vod__c object)
Field Name Label API Name Label
expiration_date__v Expiration Date CDS_Expiration_Date_vod__c CDS Expiration Date
license_number__v License CDS_vod__c CDS #
license_status__v License Status CDS_Status_vod__c CDS Status
vid__v Network Entity ID Network_CDS_Entity_ID_vod__c Network CDS Enity ID
drug_schedule__v Drug Schedule CDS_Schedule_vod CDS Drug Schedule