Vault CRM

The following enhancements for the Vault CRM integration are added in this release.

Vault CRM Bridge - Object types


The Vault CRM Bridge now supports updating multiple object types in Vault CRM. Previously, the Vault CRM Bridge supported only one object type for HCOs and HCPs.

This enhancement is enabled by default in your Network instance. Administrators can map the Network fields to the Vault CRM object type.

Configuration requirements

To support multiple object types, map a Network field to the Vault CRM object type field.

Example mapping

If your Vault CRM has different object types for HCPs, you can map them to Network field values.

Vault Object Type Network hcp_type__v field value
Prescriber Prescriber
Prescriber Resident
Non-Prescriber Non-Prescribing Health Care Professional
Non-Prescriber Business Professional
Non-Prescriber Student

DCR enhancements


Network Administrators can monitor the status of data change request (DCRs) in Vault CRM using the Task Audit History.

This enhancement is enabled by default in your Network instance.

DCR events

All data change request events are logged in the Task Audit History.

An action type is assigned to each event.

Action Type User Name Details
CreateTask VaultCRM A task was created by <user> in Vault CRM.
ServiceLog System A log is generated by Network to indicate a change in the task state.
ChangeState System The DCR state was changed.
ReceiveDCR System The DCR data was received in Vault CRM.
TransformDCR System Mappings were read using <integration user>.
SubmitDCR System A DCR was sent to Network API using the Vault CRM Bridge.
UpdateVaultCRMCustomerData System The account was upserted to Vault CRM.
UpdateVaultCRMDCR System The DCR status was updated in Vault CRM.
Receive Notification System A notification of task state change has been resolved.
ResolveTask System Task was resolved.
CompleteTask System Task was closed.

Event errors

Any errors that occur during the DCR process are also logged in the appropriate events. For example, if an account import to Vault CRM fails during the process, the error displays in the UpdateVaultCRMDCR event.

Task IDs

The Task ID column is blank when the DCR is first received from Vault CRM.

Change request key

The Change Request Key column and Change Request Key filter are added to the log. A change request key is the global DCR ID that is assigned to each event.

Add the change request key to the filter to view all events for a DCR.