
Conditional matching on match rules


Administrators and Data Managers can create match filters that apply to all match rules in the match configuration. These subscription-level match filters can include or exclude specific records from being considered for match pairs. For example, you can create match filters for HCOs so the subscription match rules apply only to active HCO records that are hospitals.

This feature is enabled by default in your Network instance.

Supported match configurations

Match filters can be applied at the match configuration or subscription-level.

  • Default Match Configuration

  • Source Subscriptions

  • Ad Hoc Match Configuration

  • Add Request Match Configuration

  • Match Rule Collections

  • Data Deduplication data maintenance subscriptions

Available filter methods

There are three types of filters that can be applied on match configurations:

Existing filter types

  • Filters on individual match rules - Conditions created on a specific rule on the Match Rules tab.

    These filters override Match Filters.

  • Ranked filter groups - A series of conditions that are applied after the typical match process. The conditions are prioritized so they are applied in a specific order to find the highest ranking match pair.

New filter type

  • Match Filters - Conditions that are applied to all applicable match rules during the match process.

    Create the conditions on the Match Filters tab to include or exclude specific records from consideration.

Match Filter highlights

A new tab called Match Filters is added to all match configurations. Filters that are created on this tab will apply to all match rules in the configuration for the defined entity and its child objects and country group.

Key details

  • Subscription-level filters are applied to the rules on the Match Rules tab.

  • Filters apply to the defined entity and country group.

  • Filters on individual match rules override filters on the Match Filters tab.

  • Filters can include or exclude records.

  • Filters can be applied to incoming records that do not have a value in a filtered field.

How match filters work

Match filters are applied to the existing match configuration to include or exclude specific records for consideration. ACT and ASK matches are determined based on the resulting record pairs and confidence values.

If filters are applied to individual match rules in the configuration, these subscription-level match filters are ignored when that match rule is processed.

Example use cases

Use subscription-level match filters to immediately include or exclude specific records from consideration during the match process.

  • Only match on active HCOs; do not include non-active HCOs.

  • Only match on active hospitals; do not include any HCOs that are not active and HCOs that are not hospitals

  • Only match on pharmacies; do not include HCOs that are not pharmacies

Create match filters

To create a subscription-level filter to apply to all defined match rules:

  1. Open a match configuration and select a country group.

  2. Click the Match Filters tab.

  3. Expand the Entity list and choose the object for the match filter.

  4. Click Add Filter.

  5. Expand the Function list and choose one of the following:

    • Include - Choose to define the records that the match rule will apply to.

    • Exclude - Choose to define the records that match rules will not apply to.

  6. Choose the Field to filter match rules on.

    Supported fields

    • Active fields for the selected country and entity type.

    • Reference and text fields

    • Veeva standard fields and custom fields

  7. Select the Value to filter match rules on. One or more values are supported.

    If you select multiple values for a filter, the match rule considers all values.


    • Function: Include

    • Field: HCO Type (hco_type__v)

    • Values: Hospital, Department, Clinic

    Result: The match rule considers records that are Hospitals, or Departments, or Clinics.

  8. To include another filter, click Add Filter.

    When multiple filters are defined, the filters are combined as an AND operation.


    • Filter 1: Include active HCO records

    • Filter 2 Exclude HCOs that are health systems

    Result: Match rules will consider all active HCOs and all HCOs except health systems.

  9. Save your changes.

The filter will now be applied to all match rules for that entity and country group.

Applying filtered match rules to incoming records

When filters are applied to individual match rules or all match rules, the rules can consider incoming records even if they are missing the field value of the filter.

Previously, for match filters to work, the fields and values on filters had to exist on both the existing data in your Network instance and on the incoming data. Often, the incoming data is not as robust as the data in your instance, so records were skipped if they didn't contain the filtered field and value.

Set record options

The options to allow incoming records with empty values to be considered for match display on the Match Rules tab.

It applies to any filters on individual match rules on the Match Rules tab and to filters defined on the Match Filters tab.

  • Apply match rules whether incoming records have a value in a filtered field or not.

    This is the default option for all new match rules.

  • Apply match rules only if incoming records have a value in a filtered field.

    This is the default for existing match rules.

To allow incoming records with empty or missing field values to be considered for match rules, select the first option on the Match Rules tab.

If the incoming data is robust and has values in filtered fields, the second option can be selected.

This is supported when the filter function is Include. Exclude functions require the records to have the specified field and value.

Filters on individual match rules

Filters on individual match rules override any filters defined at the subscription level (Match Filters, Ranked Group Filters).

On the Match Rules tab, a message displays when a filter is added to a rule and if filters are configured on the Match Filters tab.

Logging filters

A new column, Match filters in use, is added to the Match + Data Group Analysis log to indicate if a match filter was used when the match pair was found.

Column values

  • Yes - At least one subscription-level filter is enabled and used.

    Note: Filters are applied to one object. Some matches might be found using rules that aren't filtered. The value will still be Yes to indicate that filters were in use.

  • No - No subscription-level filters exist or were used to find the match pair.

Match counts


Match configurations are updated to display a count of items on each tab. The count applies to the country and selected entity. If you change the entity, the count updates to reflect the new entity.

This enhancement is enabled by default in your Network instance.

Filtering individual match rules


Filters are supported on individual match rules that use the Direct Fields comparison method only. If the match rule uses any other comparison method, the filters are ignored.

This is existing behavior.

A message now displays when a filter is created on a match rule that uses the Concatenated fields or Sets of fields comparison methods:

Filters are supported for the "Direct Fields" comparison method; filters on other comparison methods are ignored.

This enhancement is enabled by default in your Network instance.