Queued DCR tasks

Changes can be made on unverified records so sales reps can immediately add or correct information for a new record - these changes become queued tasks on the unverified record. The Change Request page displays all requests associated with a record so data stewards can see and validate changes during a single phone verification.

When working with queued requests:

  • Change requests on unverified records have In Queue status and do not display in the Inbox.
  • In Queue tasks are grouped on the Change Request page of the initial unverified record.
  • Unverified records have a Pending Review status and must be processed before the associated In Queue tasks.
  • In Queue tasks are processed in order of the Network create time so new changes are not overwritten.
  • To ensure that they are not impacted by the Network internal task status, the In Queue status is not exposed to Veeva CRM or downstream systems through API retrieves.

Enabling this feature

The DCR queue feature is enabled by default; however, administrators must enable the Create Unverified workflow setting so that changes can be made to unverified records.

Note: DCR queue is not supported for third party master systems.

User activities

The following activities are available depending on the user type:

The System and Data Admin user role combines the full capabilities of Data Stewards and Administrators.
Activity Standard User Data Steward Data Manager Administrator
Enable the Create Unverified setting      
Submit changes on unverified records
View Inbox  
View In Queue tasks on DCR page