Network videos

Hierarchy Explorer widget

This video provides an overview of Network's Hierarchy Explorer widget.

Using Hashtags

This video provides an overview of using Network hashtags.

Creating Hashtags

This video provides an overview of how to create hashtags.

Data Components Overview

This video provides an overview of Network data components.

Creating Data Components

This video provides a walkthrough for creating and enabling data components.

Creating a Portal Application

This video provides a walkthrough for creating a Network Portal application.

Enabling the Network Portal

This video provides an overview of how to enable the Network Portal.

Network Reporting Treeview

This video provides an overview of the treeview in Network Reporting.

User Roles

This video provides an overview of the capabilities of each user type in Network.

This video provides an overview of how to perform basic Network searches.

Advanced Search

This video provides an overview of how to perform advanced searches in Network.


This video provides an overview and walkthrough of the record profile pages in Network.

Network Explorer

This video provides an example scenario of a data steward adding and inactivating affiliations using Network Explorer.

Inbox views

This video provides an example scenario of a data steward processing data change requests while configuring and using inbox views.

Profile layout pages

This video provides a walkthrough of adding and configuring profile layouts using the Profile Layouts feature.

Search Widget

This video provides an overview of Network widgets, with specific examples for the search widget.

Data Deletion

This video provides information on performing data maintenance to delete and anonymize records.

Data Steward Productivity

This video provides an overview of data steward productivity features, including hotkeys, image attachments, resolution notes requirements, and reporting for change request comments..